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Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Dear Caylee,
You have been having a great week at school. So far no biting this week. I hope that this means that you are coming out of this phase. They are using time outs and lots of praise for you to help keep you on the right track.
Today you did something really cute. You went up to Bailey and while trying to climb on him you were saying “yow” (which means “Yahoo”) and then you looked at him and said “neigh.” (That’s what you call a horse) I think we have been reading your riding the range book to you a little too much! TOO CUTE that you thought Bailey was a horse and you wanted to go for a ride!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Play Date

Dear Caylee,
Today you had your first “play date.” Zaria From your class at school came over to our house to play. When she drove up she squealed with delight and you got a great big smile on your face. You both hugged like you were life long friends. SO CUTE!

You two had a good time. You got to play outside together. I took you both for a ride in the wagon. Zaria really liked the dogs. You played in your toy room together and Zaria stayed for dinner. Zaria did not want to go home. I hope we can have her over to play again soon. I think you both had Fun.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Pirate day at school

Pirate day at school, originally uploaded by tryn2bmoms.

Dear Caylee,
Today was Pirate day at school. You were SO cute! This week was pretty Busy. Sunday we went to the beach. You had a great time playing in the ocean. You loved when the waves crashed on you. We dug a big hole for you in the sand and filled it with water. You had a great time!

Wednesday we had to go to Charleston to visit the Doctors at MUSC. Mostly because we wanted to try to get some help with all the aggressive behavior going on at school. They said that you are very smart, ahead of where you need to be. Your verbal skills are slightly delayed and that may be causing some frustration for you. You understand, you just can’t let us know what you want. They recommended that we use “time outs” so we’ll see how that works. Thursday you bit your teacher so you got to try out the “time out”

Tomorrow we have a play date with a friend of yours at school. She will be coming to your house. It’s our first play date. I hope you will have fun!

Friday, September 08, 2006


SOOO Fun!, originally uploaded by tryn2bmoms.

Playing in the Water hose

Dear Caylee,
Monday was Labor Day so we all had the day off together. You got to help Mommy give Bailey and Cinnamon a bath. After the bath we let you play with the water hose. You had a blast!

At first you were not real sure about it, but the more you played the more you had fun. You held the water hose to your face and tried to blow bubbles into the stream of water. You tried to squirt mommy, and the really funny part was when you let the water run out on the ground and tried to blow bubbles on the cement! TOO CUTE!!

You had so much fun you forgot to throw a temper tantrum all day. We took lots of pictures! Lots! It will be hard to pick a few good ones to share.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Mom visits school/ Caylee visits Grandma and Grandpa

Dear Caylee,
On Friday I went to observe you in your class at school. I watched from the window for about an hour and a half. You played by yourself a lot. I watched you have circle time where you shouted out your colors VERY LOUD, and I watched you play with Shaving cream and saw your friend Campbell put shaving cream in your hair. You played with a car and you really liked the big soft blocks they put out to crawl on and jump off of.

While I was watching Conner’s mom came in to drop him off. I told her that I was observing the class because you had been pinching other kids and pulling hair. She pointed to Conner and said “that’s my son… he’s the one that always gets bit.” I felt soooo bad!

You were pretty observant. You saw me a few times and each time you would start crying. I’m sure it was very confusing for you. You were probably wondering why I was there but not coming in. Finally, I came in to your class. You were happy to see me. I stayed for about an hour and played with you and all of your friends. I had SO MUCH FUN with you! We played chase and read books and danced and sang songs.

This weekend we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Lexington. On the way there you had your first tantrum in a store when we stopped to buy some snacks. You wanted to touch some candy and when we told you no, you dropped to the floor and started a very dramatic crying fit. It only lasted for about a minute, but we were shocked all the same.

That fit sort of set the tone for our visit. You greeted Grandpa and gave him a hug, but each time you saw Grandma you would just start having a fit. You had several fits, dropping to the floor and crying for many different reasons. Someone told you “no”, someone tried to play with you, someone looked at you, sometimes we weren’t quite sure why.

We went swimming at your cousin’s house and you had a good time playing with Catherine and the cat. (I don’t think the cat liked you very much.)

That night at dinner you got your first tip. A very nice older lady walked up and said that her husband told her that any little girl that cute deserved to have a dollar. I thought it was a little strange, but they were very nice. We are putting the dollar in your piggy bank.

Today when you woke up you were a little better. Still a little shy around other people. After we got home and had a good dinner you were your old self again. THANK GOD. We had a great time reading books and playing before bed time. I think you were happy to sleep in your bed tonight.

You have a FAVORITE book now. It is called “Riding the Range.” Of course it is a Backyardigan book! You pick that book out of all of the ones you have, and you like us to read it over and over and over again. You like to read it by your self too. You turn pages and babble and babble. It’s SO cute.

I will have to make sure to blog more often. I had too much to say tonight!