Sunday, October 15, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Fall Fest at Broadway
Dear Caylee,
Today we had a great time. Mommy had to work this afternoon so after nap we headed out for a fun day together. We went to Broadway at the Beach and took your wagon. You like the wagon much better than your stroller.
It was “Fall Fest” today so there were lots of people there. We walked around and looked at the pumpkins (which you call pump pumps.) They have a great playground! You made a few new friends. You liked the big kid slide the best. You weren’t big enough to climb the steps by yourself so I had to pick you up to the top and run to the end to catch you.
After the playground you got to ride around in the wagon a bit more while we walked to the kids rides. The train was down today so we just rode the cars and the carousel….several times. You were shouting “weeeeee”
After Broadway at the beach we went to Toys R us and looked at the Toys. You were such a good girl. You walked around by yourself and look at the different toys. You always came when I asked. You were on your best behavior. I hope Santa was watching!
You got to ride on a battery powered toddler go-kart. It took you a while to learn how to push the button, but you had fun! Then you saw a big stuffed horse. You ran over and climbed on and said “yaow” ( yahoo.)
After the toy store we went to Bob Evans for dinner. You had breakfast for dinner, Eggs, Pancakes, hash-browns, and sausage. You ate a lot!We had a great day together!
You are getting so good at using your words now. We have a little trouble making out what you are saying… but you are trying so much more. You learned how to say “treat” really quick because you knew that meant you got an M&M. (We were trying to teach you to say tick or treat for Halloween)
Tomorrow Mommy has the day off and if the weather is nice we are going to try to take you to the zoo. I heard they have Ponies there that you can ride. I know that you will have a blast! I hope the weather is good!
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Saturday, October 14, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Smarter than we think!
Dear Caylee,
You are smarter than we give you credit for! We visited Grandma and Grandpa this past weekend. Just after I had laid you down and you were suppose to be going to sleep, I heard the bathroom door close. When I walked up to check on you I saw you running to your blanket, then you closed your eyes really tight and pretended to be asleep! I could not believe it! You were trying to fake me out at just 21 months old!
On Sunday we went to Broadway at the Beach to ride the rides. They have a carousel, a train ride and a car ride. You have been before, but this day I could tell that you had a really great time. You were SO excited to see the “neighs” (horses) on the carousel. After we rode all the rides I asked you which one you wanted to ride again… the neighs or the “brrrrooms” (cars.) I never expected you to answer. I was so surprised when you said “hmmm” holding your little chin and really thinking about your answer. After much thought you looked right at me and said “neigh… yahoo!” Of course we rode the carousel a few more times after that.
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Thursday, October 05, 2006