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Friday, February 16, 2007

Goin' cruisin'

Dear Caylee,
We’re goin’crusin’. Saturday we leave for our second cruise with you. I have been telling you all about it and now you are telling me about it too. You say “up, up sky” because you know we are going on an airplane, and you say “ship” and “fins” (friends) because we have told you that you will meet lots of new friends too. We are bringing along lots of your favorite toys like cars and Mickey and Minnie Mouse. I hope you are a good girl. We have a few long plane rides and you don’t usually like crowds.

This week at school you had a valentine party. You got to bring Valentines for your friends and M&M’s. You really liked putting the heart stickers on the Valentines, and you really liked the candy that the other kids brought you too!

My new favorite word to hear you say is Ketchup. You say “check-up” TOO CUTE !!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

4 letter words

Dear Caylee,
We had a great time today! Mommy had to go to work in the morning so we snuck into a local hotel and went swimming. We played in the heated pool and a lasy river. You had a great time! You like to blow bubbles and jump from the side of the pool. You didn’t even mind going under water.

Tonight we went to a friend’s house for dinner. On the way there we learned just how much you are listening to what we are saying. When I let a four letter word fly… seconds later, so did you. The scenario repeated its self later tonight when Mommy almost slipped on one of your cars. I am hoping that you don’t remember those words when you wake up in the morning!

You were a pretty good girl tonight. You were nice to everyone…at least everyone who gave you food. You also really liked the cat!

Friday, February 02, 2007


Dear Caylee,
Well I guess the time is here. I think this is what they call the terrible two’s. You have discovered the power of the word no…and you like it! It is your most favorite word.
Do you want to play? No. Do you want some juice? No. Do you want to eat? No.
Actually you say “uuu No”

You are testing your boundaries more and more everyday. As for now, “time out” seems to work pretty good. Usually when you get put in time out you blame it on someone else, Mommy or Bailey or anyone. You point your finger at them and say “na nice” (not nice)

You just keep getting bigger and bigger!