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Sunday, June 24, 2007

A family visit/ Potty Time

Dear Caylee,

It’s been a while so there is a lot to tell you. You are getting to be a such a big girl! Last week we had visitors from Louisiana. Sydney and Conner came to visit and later in the week Mimi and Paw-Paw came too!

I was out of town when Sydney and Conner got here, so Mommy took you to their hotel to play with them. You got to go to the beach and to the swimming pool. You had such a good time. Pam said that you liked the beach the best. They took you in the waves which you called the “Big Kahunas.” When Mommy picked you up at 3:30 you fell asleep in the car right away and slept until 5:00!!! They wore you out.

When Mimi and Paw- Paw got here we met everyone for Dinner and Sydney stayed the night with you in your bed from then on. We went to the beach the next day and had a great time! You heard Sydney and Conner calling their Kerry Dad, so you called him Dad too. When you hurt yourself you said “show dad” because you wanted him to kiss it. You called him dad for the rest of the trip! It was really cute.

The next you and Sydney got went to the “friends 2 B made” store and made dolls with each other. Your doll looks like Sydney and Sydney’s doll looks like you. You each made voice recordings to put in each others doll. In your doll Sydney recoded “ Caylee, Sydney loves you” and you recorded “nub you” (love you) on her doll. You really like your new doll and that night you and Sydney and your new dolls all slept together in your bed.

After Sydney and Conner left we started potty training. At first you were really afraid of going to “T T “ in the potty. You were not afraid to sit on it, or the flushing you were really afraid of the sound it made when you went! You screamed the first time, you sat there for a LONG time and tried SO hard to NOT go. When you finally did you were not happy. The next day you were better. Mimi offered you a sucker if you TT’ed on the potty, you concentrated real hard and eventually you got the sucker. It was a battle for the next few days, but you are getting better now.

This weekend we put up a sticker chart and you get a sticker each time you go on the potty. You really like putting up the stickers and you have had dry panties for two days (with the exception of when you are sleeping.) You have not poo-poo’ed on the potty just yet, you are still a little scared of that.

Most of the time you are a very good girl, but very recently you have learned to be a little “sassy.” Its not really what you are saying, but how you are saying it. We are working with you trying to teach you that its “not nice” to be sassy. I think you are starting to understand because you came home from school saying “fins saaaasee not nice” ( friends sassy) It has been a little better the last few days so I hope this will pass soon.

Today we are going swimming with your friends Callen and Josh. You will get to try out your new swimming vest. You are getting very brave with your water wings so we want to see how you will do with this. I know you will have a great time today!