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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Granny's Birthday/ Bad flight

Dear Caylee,
This weekend you got to go on an airplane. It was Granny’s 80th birthday and we went to Alabama to go to her party. Almost all of your cousins and second cousins were there. There were a lot of kids!!

After the party we went to Mimi and Paw-Paw’s house in Florida. Sydney and Conner came to stay for a night too. You stayed up really late on Saturday night playing with everyone.

Sunday we got to go to the beach with everyone. You had a great time playing in the sand and in the water. You called the waves “big huna’s (big Kahunas.) Paw-Paw took you out in the ocean to play in the waves. You really like your uncle Kerry. You still call him Dad and you wanted to play with him a lot. At one point in the swimming pool you told me to go away because you wanted to play with Dad.

Riding on the planes for you was fun …for the most part. On the first leg of the flight over you were a really good girl, people on the plane were commenting on how good you were. You were a good girl in the airport of the lay-over, but you started to get really tired right before we boarded the second plane.

When you ran out of chips the terror started. You threw the biggest fit I have ever seen. It was the kind of fit that other kids throw, but not MINE!!! You were screaming and crying and arching your back. You were swinging at me and hitting my face. There was nothing to calm you down! So many people tried to help the flight attendant tried to give you candy or snacks, the little girl next to you tried to talk to you, a very nice little girl in the seat in front of you even gave you her baby doll to try to get you to calm down. The flight was slightly delayed because I could not get you in the seat and we almost got kicked off the plane!! The flight attendant had sympathy and just let me hold you until while we took off.

Shortly after we got in the air, out of nowhere, you just stopped. You stopped screaming and crying took a few deep breaths and looked right at me and said in the sweetest voice “hi momma” with a big smile on your face. It was as if you just got your body back from whatever took it over!! Not sure what really made your tantrum go quite that far, but I was really glad to have you back! You were really good on the rest of the flights, no problems at all. (whew!!)

Overall you had a really great time this weekend. It was great to get to see all of your cousins. You always have fun with them.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Big girl haircut

Dear Caylee,
What a big week for you. You have been doing such a great job with using the potty that your teacher said that you could wear big girl panties to school. No more pull-ups. You got to wear your panties to school and there were no accidents! Your teacher says that you don’t even ask to go to the bathroom, you just get up and go all by yourself.

You have been talking so much lately, and you love to tell everyone what to do. “ee body do dis!” (everybody do this) then you do something silly. When we do what we say you say “oh I so poud o you.” (Oh, I’m so proud of you) You love to play with your Sydney baby, you put her in time out and let her go to the potty and you make sure she is right beside you when you go to sleep.

Today was a big day too. You got your first real haircut. It was sad for me because you look like such a big girl now. I wanted to wait as long as we could and it got to the point that we just had to get it cut. You are beautiful as ususal, you just look so big!

This weekend we went swimming with Debbie. We played “Dora” in the pool, you sure do love Dora! You had a great time and wore yourself out. After nap you got to jump on the trampoline and play with the soccer ball. We all had a great time!!