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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Count down to Disney

Dear Caylee,
Just a few weeks to go until we get to go to Disney! I know we are going to have a great time. Your friends Callen and Josh are going to come for the first few days of the trip too. You really like to play with them and they are so good with you. They are both very protective of you; they treat you like a little sister.

Last weekend we went to the aquarium with them. You like to hold Callen’s hand, and you think Josh is really funny. You were afraid to touch the horseshoe crabs until Josh did it, when he offered you the crab you took it right out of his hands.

We had a great time this weekend too. Yesterday we went to Broadway at the Beach. They have opened a new area called the Pavilion. This part has a lot more rides than Carousel Park. You really wanted to ride the teacups. We got a few tickets and you had a great time! You got to ride the tea cups, the carousel, the pirate ship and the caterpillar with me, and for the very first time you got to ride the cars and the boats all by yourself!
At first you were a little nervous, the rides went in a circle and you kept looking to make sure you could see me, but you really had a good time!

Today we went back to Broadway at the beach with Mommy. We went to the Disney store, had Pizza, and rode some more rides. We took the boat over to the aquarium and visited the fish and stingrays for a while. You were such a good girl. You were very sweet and you did a really good job listening too. We are so proud of you!

We can’t wait to take you to Disney. I know you will have a great time!!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Sunday, September 02, 2007