Saturday, November 03, 2007
New Car
Dear Caylee,
Today Mommy bought you a new car. It is a pink jeep she picked up at a garage sale on the way home. You are having a great time playing with it. You have not quite figured out how to steer, so you just sit back and hit the pedal. You did tell us as you were heading toward the pond “ we don’t put the car in the water…” so at least you have the basics down.
You checked out the whole car including the tires, keys and lights. I think you will have a great time playing with it!
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Saturday, November 03, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
Big girls dont cry
Dear Caylee,
You have a new favorite song. “ Big girls don’t cry” by Fergie. You were riding in the car with Mommy when she noticed you were singing the chorus to the song. This is the first “pop” song that you have ever seamed to like. You like to listen to Disney, Backyardigans and other kids music but never pop music before.
After Mommy told me that you liked the song I played it in my car for you, and sure enough you were rockin’ out! You were dancing and signing. You asked me to play it faster (which meant louder) so I cranked it up for you. Then you told me that I could not sing. I guess you wanted to do a solo!
Tonight I put the CD in the stereo and cranked it up. We danced four or five times to your new favorite song. After the first time we played it you ran into your playroom and grabbed your pretend microphone and started singing into it. I didn’t even know that you knew that singers used microphones! It was very cute!! You really tore it up. At one point you were singing into the microphone and dropped to your knees just like a little rock star! SOOOO cute!!!!
I think there is a little bit of a performer in you my little one…
Last night was Halloween. We went to Broadway at the Beach to go trick-or-treating. You had a great time as usual. You saw a few things that you thought were scary, but overall you were pretty brave. You wore your Minnie Mouse costume and every one thought you were very cute. After they would put candy in your bucket you would say “that was ve-we nice of her.” After trick or treat we went to ride the rides. You wanted to ride the carousel, then the cars and then the train. You had your Minnie Mouse shoes on which have a small heal on them, they made you just tall enough to ride the airplanes ny yourself for the first time. You didn’t quite figure out that you had to push and pull the lever to go up and down so you pretty much just went around in circles, but you still had fun!
We always have such a great time together!
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Friday, November 02, 2007