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Saturday, November 01, 2008


Dear Caylee,

It has been almost a year since I have blogged for you. So much has happened in that year! You have gotten so big! We have moved into a new house on Farmer Brown Court. You really like your new house. You have two houses now. You have a house in Myrtle Beach and a house in Marion where you visit Mommy.

You are really into Hannah Montana, High School Musical, and Camp Rock. You love to sing and dance, and you do it with a lot of attitude too! You are just getting into Barbie and you love to play on the playground in our neighborhood.

I have been reading you stories from the blog book that I made of the first year of the blog and you really like it, so I thought it was time to start it up again.

Mimi came to visit us for Halloween. We had a fun Halloween day. Mimi made us a big Halloween dinner with turkey and dressing. After dinner we carved pumpkins. Well, You had a Mrs. Potato Head pumpkin so we really just had to poke a few holes in yours for you to put the pieces in.

This year you were Jasmine. You looked so pretty!! We went trick-or-treating last night. You had a great time. You weren’t satisfied with the houses that only gave you one piece of candy, and so you asked for more! Callan was Jasmine too; you like to do whatever Callan does. Josh had a kind of scary pirate skeleton costume. You were not too sure of it at first. You wanted to keep a close eye on him!

You all scored lots of candy!!