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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas 2006

Dear Caylee,
This was your first Christmas at home with us. All of your family and friends were so glad that you were here with us this year. You got so many great gifts from everyone.

We decided to let you open a gift early ( on the 23rd) you opened your keyboard complete with a mic. You had a great time opening it and playing with it.

On Christmas Eve we opened our family gifts. You “helped” every one un-wrap their gifts. You got the whole Backyardigan gang, a “Little People” horse and stable set and a new movie.

After we played with your toys a while we read the night before Christmas and you went to sleep.

When you woke up you went into the living room where Santa had left you A LOT of new toys. He left so many new toys that he had to move the furniture around to get them all out! When you walked into the room you saw the stuff on the chair first. There were books, coloring books and markers. It caught your attention right away. You ran up to the chair and said “wow cudders!” (colors)

Behind you were all of the other toys that Santa left you. You got a Shake and Go race track, a train, a Jump-N-Gym, a Mickey Mouse clubhouse with lots of Mickey and friends figurines to play with, a Mickey Mouse car and more!!!

You have had a great time playing with all of your toys this week. It’s hard to tell which ones you like the best. You play with them all. When you play with the race car set you like to say “WEEEEEE” and “ Set GOOO” (ready, set, go) You liked the train even better when you figured out how to use the remote control to make it stop and go. We love to watch you play with your Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. You just talk and talk and talk. You make the characters talk to each other, eat your play food and play hide and seek.

The week has been just a little crazy. Mommy had to go to the hospital on Christmas day and she had to stay for 3 nights. Today she finally got to play with you. She was so sad to miss Christmas day with you.

You got a little sick too, a stomach virus and a low grade fever. It did not seem to slow you down much. You still had a great time playing with all of your new toys!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Caylee Rocks Out!

Dear Caylee,
You really liked the Backyardigan music toy that Kristi and Charlci gave you. I caught you playing with it and rocking out in your room. You thought it was great and each time the song stoped you said "good job!" I hope you like all of your new toys this much!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Tea Party

Tea Party, originally uploaded by tryn2bmoms.

Zaria comes to play/ Student of the Month

Dear Caylee,

This month you are student of the month at school. We made a poster for your teachers to hang up in your classroom at school. You like your poster because it has of all of your favorite things like a horse, Mickey Mouse, a train, and M&M’s. We put some of your favorite pictures on your poster too a picture of you at the beach, riding the cars and the carousel at Broadway and playing with your Friend Zaria.

Today Zaria came to play with you. She got to stay all day! You both had a great time and you were very good. You played tea party and watched Mickey Mouse. Zaria loved pushing you around in your baby stroller and she had fun playing with the dogs too. You were sad when she went home because you wanted her to stay and play longer. I hope she can come to play with you again soon.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

First Christmas present

First present, originally uploaded by tryn2bmoms.

First Christmas Present/ Meeting Santa

Dear Caylee,
This weekend you got to open your very first present! Aunt Kristi and Aunt Charlci (who always spoil you) sent you some Christmas gifts and wanted you to open them early. At first you were not quite sure why we were letting you tear the paper, then you thought it was fun.

You got a lot of great stuff! You got a book about dogs, and a Backyardigan music toy that plays a lot of your favorite songs and you got a gift card to Toys R Us to get the”ride on” stuffed horse that you loved so much when we played with it at the store. See… I told you they spoil you!!!

This weekend you got to see Santa for the first time too. I told you as you were going to sleep that we would go to see “Ho Ho Ho” and the “neighs” at Broadway at the Beach the next day. I thought you were too little to really understand, but I am sure you did because the next day you kept saying “ skgo” (let’s go!) and “neigh” and “caas” (cars) and taking me to the door.

This year there are free horse and buggy rides with Santa there every weekend. I couldn’t wait to let you see the real horse! You LOVED it!! You were so excited to see it riding up. You were shouting “HIIIIII,” “neigh!!!” and “Yahooo!!!

When it was your turn to ride you decided that Ho Ho Ho was TOOOO scary for you. You pitched a FIT. You were fine when he was at a distance, you even said hi to him, but when it was time to ride just across from him the carriage you decided that was NOT going to happen!!!

I think you were a little disappointed because you thought that you were actually going to get to RIDE the horse. You did get to pet the horse and watch him for a while and you really liked that!

Maybe we will try again another day.