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Sunday, December 10, 2006

First Christmas Present/ Meeting Santa

Dear Caylee,
This weekend you got to open your very first present! Aunt Kristi and Aunt Charlci (who always spoil you) sent you some Christmas gifts and wanted you to open them early. At first you were not quite sure why we were letting you tear the paper, then you thought it was fun.

You got a lot of great stuff! You got a book about dogs, and a Backyardigan music toy that plays a lot of your favorite songs and you got a gift card to Toys R Us to get the”ride on” stuffed horse that you loved so much when we played with it at the store. See… I told you they spoil you!!!

This weekend you got to see Santa for the first time too. I told you as you were going to sleep that we would go to see “Ho Ho Ho” and the “neighs” at Broadway at the Beach the next day. I thought you were too little to really understand, but I am sure you did because the next day you kept saying “ skgo” (let’s go!) and “neigh” and “caas” (cars) and taking me to the door.

This year there are free horse and buggy rides with Santa there every weekend. I couldn’t wait to let you see the real horse! You LOVED it!! You were so excited to see it riding up. You were shouting “HIIIIII,” “neigh!!!” and “Yahooo!!!

When it was your turn to ride you decided that Ho Ho Ho was TOOOO scary for you. You pitched a FIT. You were fine when he was at a distance, you even said hi to him, but when it was time to ride just across from him the carriage you decided that was NOT going to happen!!!

I think you were a little disappointed because you thought that you were actually going to get to RIDE the horse. You did get to pet the horse and watch him for a while and you really liked that!

Maybe we will try again another day.

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