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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Bound to happen

Dear Caylee,

Well, I guess it was bound to happen eventually. This weekend you threw your first public temper tantrum. We were at the mall playing in the arcade. When I told you it was time to go you started throwing a big fit, and when I put you in time out (which has always worked before) you threw an even bigger fit! You refused to sit down, arched your back, screaming and crying and you even pulled out a new trick, hitting! You stood in front of me swinging your arms while Mommy and I looked at each other in shock. We just were not quite sure what to do. So, we put you in your stroller, strapped you in and took you to the car. I hope this won't be a normal occurrence.

You have been talking a lot lately. Last week when I was putting you to bed you started saying something I could not quite make out, so I listened really close. You were saying the pledge of allegiance I could not understand you until you got to "one Na-chun uhh god in-bis-pu li-ty juss por awwww" (one nation...) You are too smart!!

You love to sing too. You are learning lots of new songs at school. You surprise us all the time. You can sing "baby bumble bee," "twinkle twinkle little star,"the jumping song," and you LOVE to sing ABC's!!

Tonight you talked for about 2 hours non stop. After a big day of playing on the trampoline and the pool at Debbie's, you had some dessert. I think that's what had you so wound up. You were really cute, talking and singing non-stop!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

eeeeggs arrr you? (Eggs where are you?)

Easter Egg Hunt

Happy Easter

Dear Caylee,
Happy Easter! At school on Friday your class had an Easter party. When you came home you told us “fine eggs.” You had a really good time. On Saturday your friend Christian from next door came to your house to play, and later we had an Easter egg hunt for both of you. You had a great time. You really like Christian. You think everything he does is funny. You always look for him when we are outside.

On Sunday when you woke up the Easter Bunny had paid you a visit. He left Easter eggs all over the floor. You noticed the eggs and picked up a few. You were happy to see the Easter basket, but when you found out that there were M&M’s inside the eggs you were really excited. You started flapping your arms and laughing.

The Easter Bunny left you lots of candy, a “Samari Pie” Tyrone (from your favorite Backyardigans cartoon), a horse flashlight, a coloring book and a few other fun things. I think you like the candy best.

You are taking vitamins now too. Flinstone vitamins. You really like them and never let us forget them. You say “purpoo pink!” (purple Pink.) to let us know you want your vitamins.

You are such a smart girl. You are doing really great with counting and ABC’s. We got you High-ho Cherri-0. It is a counting a game, and you LOVE to “p-yeah che-wees” (play Cherries) You don’t quite understand the whole game just yet, but you love to count the cherries and put them in the buckets.

At bedtime you just have to have your story, and now you want to have your baby “read” your story to you. You want me to have the baby move her head and help to turn the pages. You don’t really want to lay down and be quite, but you usually do it because your baby is sleeping and you think you need to be quite.

We have been taking you to visit Debbie and to jump on the trampoline at her house. You have so much fun doing that. You ask to see Debbie a lot now. Tonight she came to visit and you were so excited to see her. You ran to her and threw your arms up for her to pick you up for a big hug.

We are having a great time with you. Your personality is starting to develop even more now. You really like to be funny and you have a great sense of humor too. We always get such a kick out of seeing you laugh at a movie, especially when we weren’t quite sure you got the joke. You have such a great laugh!!!