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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Bound to happen

Dear Caylee,

Well, I guess it was bound to happen eventually. This weekend you threw your first public temper tantrum. We were at the mall playing in the arcade. When I told you it was time to go you started throwing a big fit, and when I put you in time out (which has always worked before) you threw an even bigger fit! You refused to sit down, arched your back, screaming and crying and you even pulled out a new trick, hitting! You stood in front of me swinging your arms while Mommy and I looked at each other in shock. We just were not quite sure what to do. So, we put you in your stroller, strapped you in and took you to the car. I hope this won't be a normal occurrence.

You have been talking a lot lately. Last week when I was putting you to bed you started saying something I could not quite make out, so I listened really close. You were saying the pledge of allegiance I could not understand you until you got to "one Na-chun uhh god in-bis-pu li-ty juss por awwww" (one nation...) You are too smart!!

You love to sing too. You are learning lots of new songs at school. You surprise us all the time. You can sing "baby bumble bee," "twinkle twinkle little star,"the jumping song," and you LOVE to sing ABC's!!

Tonight you talked for about 2 hours non stop. After a big day of playing on the trampoline and the pool at Debbie's, you had some dessert. I think that's what had you so wound up. You were really cute, talking and singing non-stop!

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