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Monday, July 23, 2007

Play time!

Dear Caylee,
We had such a great time playing with you tonight. You kept saying “c’mon guys eh-body do dis” (everybody do this) then you would show us what you wanted us to do. It was your own version of follow the leader. You had us jumping, falling down, clapping our hands and all sorts of things!

When I told you I was stuck you told me that you needed to check your (pretend) backpack to get me rope. I thought that was pretty smart for your age. You are doing a pretty good job using the potty now. You still have accidents if we forget to ask you if you need to go, but you always go when we ask and a few times you have actually reminded us!

This weekend Grandma, Grandpa and your cousin Catherine are coming to visit. I know you will have a great time visiting with them!

Sunday, July 15, 2007


First Movie

Dear Caylee,
This weekend you saw your first movie in a theatre. I took you to see Disney/ Pixar’s “Ratatouile.” It’s a movie about a little mouse that wants to be a chef. I’m not sure it will be a classic, but it was pretty cute.

When we walked into the theatre, the lights were already down and the previews had already started. When the screen came into view for you, you came to a dead stop and your mouth was wide open. You were staring at the screen and started to look a little scared. I chose a seat close to the exit to be safe and you sat in my lap. It took you a little while to get comfortable, but after a while you sat in your booster seat and enjoyed the rest of the movie, and the popcorn, and rasinets, and apple juice! We went shopping afterward and you made sure to tell everyone that you talked to that you went to the movie and that you ate “corn” (pop-corn.)

You are still surprising us with all of the things that you know and say. Yesterday you asked me to play with you in your toy room while we were playing with your little people you got a very excited look on your face and said “wana pyea ye-shus mom?” (wanna play delicious) You have a large bin of pretend food that you pulled out and dumped on the floor. As we were playing you started saying “I cuuk it por you” (cook it for you.) You would stand at your pretend kitchen and put things in the oven. Pretend play is big fun for you know.

You are also very fascinated with looking at yourself in the mirror. You are starting to care a little more what you wear. You are asking to wear dresses and nightgowns at night-time.

It’s been about a year now since I started this blog for you. I was hoping that I would be able to keep it up a little better than a scrap-book. As it turns out you have quite few entries over the past year. I am going to put them all into a book for you to have when you are a big girl. I know it won’t have your school art-work and drawings etc… but I hope one day you will enjoy reading it.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Our Dora look-alike in her Dora PJ's with her Dora doll watching Dora

Busy girl

Dear Caylee,
You have had a very busy few days. On Tuesday you got to leave school early to go swimming with Debbie. You started swimming at about 3:30. Later a few friends joined us there were lots of kids there for you to play with. You did stop for a little while to eat and jump on the trampoline, but for the most part you were in the pool until 8:30 at night. That’s an hour past your bedtime! You were very tired and went right to sleep… after a small fit.

Today is the 4th of July. We went to the beach with Debbie. You had a great time playing in the sand and the waves. You started getting pretty tired about noon. You walked up to me and said “mamma hode ju” (mamma hold you.) I held you in the beach chair and you slept and SNORED for the next hour. When you woke up it you were very sweet. You gave a big smile as you looked at me and said “hi mamma.” I love to hold you. You are getting so big I know I won’t be able to hold you like that too much longer.

After the beach we went to Debbie’s for more swimming! You played in the pool and had a great time. You are not afraid of the water at all. You like to put your head under the water and blow bubbles. You are so brave that it scares me sometime.

Tonight was all about Dora. You learned about Dora at school and we are starting to realize how much you like her. Tonight you wore your new Dora P.J.’s, played with your Dora doll and watched a Dora cartoon before bedtime.

You are getting pretty particular about going to bed lately. First you just wanted your blanket, but over the last few weeks you have been adding things to your list of things you want to have with you when you go to sleep. Tonight we are up to blanket, pink lantern light, Sydney doll, plastic Nemo fish, Dora and several small, stuffed Backyardigan dolls. There is not much room in your bed for anything else.

It’s back to school for you tomorrow. You will probably still be tired from your very busy days. You have been doing so good at school going to the potty. On Tuesday you had dry pants all day long!!