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Monday, July 23, 2007

Play time!

Dear Caylee,
We had such a great time playing with you tonight. You kept saying “c’mon guys eh-body do dis” (everybody do this) then you would show us what you wanted us to do. It was your own version of follow the leader. You had us jumping, falling down, clapping our hands and all sorts of things!

When I told you I was stuck you told me that you needed to check your (pretend) backpack to get me rope. I thought that was pretty smart for your age. You are doing a pretty good job using the potty now. You still have accidents if we forget to ask you if you need to go, but you always go when we ask and a few times you have actually reminded us!

This weekend Grandma, Grandpa and your cousin Catherine are coming to visit. I know you will have a great time visiting with them!

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