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Saturday, November 01, 2008


Dear Caylee,

It has been almost a year since I have blogged for you. So much has happened in that year! You have gotten so big! We have moved into a new house on Farmer Brown Court. You really like your new house. You have two houses now. You have a house in Myrtle Beach and a house in Marion where you visit Mommy.

You are really into Hannah Montana, High School Musical, and Camp Rock. You love to sing and dance, and you do it with a lot of attitude too! You are just getting into Barbie and you love to play on the playground in our neighborhood.

I have been reading you stories from the blog book that I made of the first year of the blog and you really like it, so I thought it was time to start it up again.

Mimi came to visit us for Halloween. We had a fun Halloween day. Mimi made us a big Halloween dinner with turkey and dressing. After dinner we carved pumpkins. Well, You had a Mrs. Potato Head pumpkin so we really just had to poke a few holes in yours for you to put the pieces in.

This year you were Jasmine. You looked so pretty!! We went trick-or-treating last night. You had a great time. You weren’t satisfied with the houses that only gave you one piece of candy, and so you asked for more! Callan was Jasmine too; you like to do whatever Callan does. Josh had a kind of scary pirate skeleton costume. You were not too sure of it at first. You wanted to keep a close eye on him!

You all scored lots of candy!!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

New Jeep

New Car

Dear Caylee,
Today Mommy bought you a new car. It is a pink jeep she picked up at a garage sale on the way home. You are having a great time playing with it. You have not quite figured out how to steer, so you just sit back and hit the pedal. You did tell us as you were heading toward the pond “ we don’t put the car in the water…” so at least you have the basics down.

You checked out the whole car including the tires, keys and lights. I think you will have a great time playing with it!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Big girls dont cry

Dear Caylee,
You have a new favorite song. “ Big girls don’t cry” by Fergie. You were riding in the car with Mommy when she noticed you were singing the chorus to the song. This is the first “pop” song that you have ever seamed to like. You like to listen to Disney, Backyardigans and other kids music but never pop music before.

After Mommy told me that you liked the song I played it in my car for you, and sure enough you were rockin’ out! You were dancing and signing. You asked me to play it faster (which meant louder) so I cranked it up for you. Then you told me that I could not sing. I guess you wanted to do a solo!

Tonight I put the CD in the stereo and cranked it up. We danced four or five times to your new favorite song. After the first time we played it you ran into your playroom and grabbed your pretend microphone and started singing into it. I didn’t even know that you knew that singers used microphones! It was very cute!! You really tore it up. At one point you were singing into the microphone and dropped to your knees just like a little rock star! SOOOO cute!!!!

I think there is a little bit of a performer in you my little one…

Last night was Halloween. We went to Broadway at the Beach to go trick-or-treating. You had a great time as usual. You saw a few things that you thought were scary, but overall you were pretty brave. You wore your Minnie Mouse costume and every one thought you were very cute. After they would put candy in your bucket you would say “that was ve-we nice of her.” After trick or treat we went to ride the rides. You wanted to ride the carousel, then the cars and then the train. You had your Minnie Mouse shoes on which have a small heal on them, they made you just tall enough to ride the airplanes ny yourself for the first time. You didn’t quite figure out that you had to push and pull the lever to go up and down so you pretty much just went around in circles, but you still had fun!

We always have such a great time together!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pumkin Party

Dear Caylee,
Last night we had a pumpkin carving party. Your friends Josh and Callan were here. You had such a great time. You had a great time digging into your pumpkin and stirring the seeds that we put into the bowl. You thought the slimy stuff was fun and you kept saying “ewwww dis-gustin” and “yucky.” You thought that was very funny.

We got to play hide and seek in the back yard with Josh and Callan too. You did not quite get it. You knew that people are suppose to count and run, but the hiding thing you didn’t quite get. You gave away the hiding spot of whoever it was that you were following because you would stand right out in the open and talk to them. You really just like the running part. You kept saying “ dis is awesome!!” You always have a great time playing with Josh and Callan.

You have been making a habit of getting up in the middle of the night and coming into our room. When you come into the room you bring your stuff with you, like you plan on staying the night. You bring your Minne doll, your Syndney doll, your “puppy” and your pink blanket that I made for you. “Puppy” is not really a puppy, it is really a very soft stuffed bear in a bunny costume. For some reason you call him puppy and you are insistent that that is his name… so we all go along with it. You like to take your little plastic Nemo toy and stuff it in puppy’s shirt so that you have them both. It’s really very cute.

Today we are going to go to Josh and Callan’s house to play. I know you will have a great time as usual!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Carly's Birthday Party

Dear Caylee,
This weekend you went to your first birthday party. Carly from your school had a princess party at Gymnastics Inc. There were lots of fun things to do. You got to jump on a trampoline, run and jump into a big pit of foam, and play on a really cool swing that you loved!

You were a little shy at first, you wanted me to play with you instead of playing with the other kids. You warmed up to the other kids after a little while. You didn’t really care about watching Carly open the gifts, or the ice cream and birthday cake but you really liked the cookie with pink icing and the princess bag you got to take home.

Mommy has put up lots of Halloween decorations for you this year. You love to look at the pumpkins, ghosts and funny witches. This year you understand a lot more. I know you will have a great time trick-or-treating.

You are talking so much now. You make up stories and pretend play with all of your toys. You love to play give direction and have us follow. Every since the Disney trip you are really into the princess thing. You like to put on your dress, spin around and tell us you are a princess.

This weekend we are having a pumpkin party. Our friends are coming over to carve and decorate pumpkins. I know you will have a great time because Josh and Callan will be here. You really like to play with them!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Disney Gang

Disney Trip

Dear Caylee,

We had such a great time on our Disney vacation! You were really a very good girl. We got there Thursday afternoon and after a little shopping we went to the Magic Kingdom. You like to call that Cinderella’s house. We had a chance to ride a few rides like the tea cups and the Cinderella’s carousel (which you called the animals) then your friends Josh and Callan came to meet us at the park. You always love to play with them so you were really happy to see them. That night we had some dinner and watched the parade together. You were very cute watching the parade. It was the first time that you had a chance to see all of the characters. You waved at them and said hello especially when Cinderella came by. You kept screaming her name trying to get her to wave at you. It was very cute.

Over the next week you got to do so many great things and had such a great time. You got to go trick or treating in the Magic Kingdom at “Mickey’s not so scary Halloween Party.” Actually you got to go THREE times, twice with Josh and Callan and once with just me and Mommy. You wore your Minnie dress to the first Halloween Party and got lots of Candy. It was great because it was a little cooler and there were no lines so you got to ride a lot of rides. There was a dance party at there too, you really wanted to go and dance with “chick-a dale” (Chip and Dale) you had a great time. Poor Chip and Dale though, you kept stalking them wanting them to hold you or talk to you while they were dancing. On the last Halloween Party while we were waiting in line to ride the astro orbiter there was a man in a very scary mask. You did not like him at all. You started screaming and wanted to get away as fast as you could. After I walked you away you started to calm down. You called him a “yucky man” and we told him to go away. You thought that was pretty funny. You laughed a lot at “Yucky Man” and kept telling him to go away. That night in your sleep you were whispering “go way Yucky Man.”.

There were a few other things that scared you too. Mostly it was the 3D movies. Mickey’s PhilharMagic, the Voyage of the little Mermaid (When Ursula came out) and especially A Bug’s Life! You really wanted out of that one! The theater got really dark and a big scary bug came out. You started saying “ I want to go home” then “excuse me momma, I want to go home!” it got increasingly louder until you were screeching EXCUSE ME MOMMA I WANT TO GO HOME!!” Mommy took you outside for the rest of the movie, it was just too scary for you.

I think you liked meeting the characters most of all. You always wanted to hug them, and you were very good at waiting your turn in line. You got to meet just about everyone. You loved meeting JoJo and Goliath and the little Einstein’s the best. You always showed the characters your shoes, you told most of them “ Nemo touched the butt” and “ My Mommy’s in the house” (we still don’t know why you said that) You got to have dinner with Mickey and his friends, Little Einstein’s and the Princesses too.

One of your favorite rides was the Safari ride at Animal Kingdom. You liked it because you got to see elephants, Giraffes and the hippopotamus (which you called the hippo-ta-potamus) You also got to see Finding Nemo the Musical there. You liked it because it was not scary and you LOVE the Nemo movie.

At the Magic Kingdom your favorites were the tea cups, the carousel, the cars, Dumbo, the Magic Carpets ,Goofy’s Barnstormer rollercoaster and you loved to see Cinderella’s house.

MGM was great because you got to see Playhouse Disney live on stage. We saw that one three times! There is a puppet show with JoJo and Pooh and some other cartoon that you did not know. On the second time you got picked from the audience to get up and show the crowd how to say hello to a gorilla. We were very surprised that you went up there, but you did! You made a great gorilla sound and the host Jamie gave you a Disney DVD as a prize. You really liked that! We also got to see Beauty and the Beast on stage. You liked seeing the Teacup and the Teapot.

Epcot was not your favorite, but you did get to meet lots of characters there and you got to ride the Nemo ride. You really liked to ride the Disney bus and the monorail too. You always wanted to be a big girl and sit in your own seat.

We had a great time and took lots of great pictures for you. You were such a good girl. We know that you were ready to go home though. A few days before we were suppose to go home you started asking about Bailey and Cinnamon, that is usually your way of saying that you want to go home. When we got home you were very happy to see them, you were petting and hugging them both. I think they were happy to see you too!

I hope that we can go again real soon. We just loved seeing you have such a great time.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Count down to Disney

Dear Caylee,
Just a few weeks to go until we get to go to Disney! I know we are going to have a great time. Your friends Callen and Josh are going to come for the first few days of the trip too. You really like to play with them and they are so good with you. They are both very protective of you; they treat you like a little sister.

Last weekend we went to the aquarium with them. You like to hold Callen’s hand, and you think Josh is really funny. You were afraid to touch the horseshoe crabs until Josh did it, when he offered you the crab you took it right out of his hands.

We had a great time this weekend too. Yesterday we went to Broadway at the Beach. They have opened a new area called the Pavilion. This part has a lot more rides than Carousel Park. You really wanted to ride the teacups. We got a few tickets and you had a great time! You got to ride the tea cups, the carousel, the pirate ship and the caterpillar with me, and for the very first time you got to ride the cars and the boats all by yourself!
At first you were a little nervous, the rides went in a circle and you kept looking to make sure you could see me, but you really had a good time!

Today we went back to Broadway at the beach with Mommy. We went to the Disney store, had Pizza, and rode some more rides. We took the boat over to the aquarium and visited the fish and stingrays for a while. You were such a good girl. You were very sweet and you did a really good job listening too. We are so proud of you!

We can’t wait to take you to Disney. I know you will have a great time!!

Saturday, September 08, 2007