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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pumkin Party

Dear Caylee,
Last night we had a pumpkin carving party. Your friends Josh and Callan were here. You had such a great time. You had a great time digging into your pumpkin and stirring the seeds that we put into the bowl. You thought the slimy stuff was fun and you kept saying “ewwww dis-gustin” and “yucky.” You thought that was very funny.

We got to play hide and seek in the back yard with Josh and Callan too. You did not quite get it. You knew that people are suppose to count and run, but the hiding thing you didn’t quite get. You gave away the hiding spot of whoever it was that you were following because you would stand right out in the open and talk to them. You really just like the running part. You kept saying “ dis is awesome!!” You always have a great time playing with Josh and Callan.

You have been making a habit of getting up in the middle of the night and coming into our room. When you come into the room you bring your stuff with you, like you plan on staying the night. You bring your Minne doll, your Syndney doll, your “puppy” and your pink blanket that I made for you. “Puppy” is not really a puppy, it is really a very soft stuffed bear in a bunny costume. For some reason you call him puppy and you are insistent that that is his name… so we all go along with it. You like to take your little plastic Nemo toy and stuff it in puppy’s shirt so that you have them both. It’s really very cute.

Today we are going to go to Josh and Callan’s house to play. I know you will have a great time as usual!

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