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Monday, October 15, 2007

Carly's Birthday Party

Dear Caylee,
This weekend you went to your first birthday party. Carly from your school had a princess party at Gymnastics Inc. There were lots of fun things to do. You got to jump on a trampoline, run and jump into a big pit of foam, and play on a really cool swing that you loved!

You were a little shy at first, you wanted me to play with you instead of playing with the other kids. You warmed up to the other kids after a little while. You didn’t really care about watching Carly open the gifts, or the ice cream and birthday cake but you really liked the cookie with pink icing and the princess bag you got to take home.

Mommy has put up lots of Halloween decorations for you this year. You love to look at the pumpkins, ghosts and funny witches. This year you understand a lot more. I know you will have a great time trick-or-treating.

You are talking so much now. You make up stories and pretend play with all of your toys. You love to play give direction and have us follow. Every since the Disney trip you are really into the princess thing. You like to put on your dress, spin around and tell us you are a princess.

This weekend we are having a pumpkin party. Our friends are coming over to carve and decorate pumpkins. I know you will have a great time because Josh and Callan will be here. You really like to play with them!

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