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Saturday, November 18, 2006

My baby

Dear Caylee,
You are getting bigger and smarter every day. I love watching you grow, but I wish it wasn’t going so fast! You will try to say just about any word, and you love to pretend play. You make your Little People talk to each other. They say “Hi how you” and “play?” Which means, Hi how are you, wanna play? You also like to have your stuffed Backyardigan toys ride on your horse and say “YAHOOOO!” Today after playing with a baby doll you wanted to pretend that you were a little baby. I held you like a baby and you pretended to cry and made sucking noises like you were sucking on a bottle when I held you. TOO CUTE!!!!

You have discovered Mickey Mouse and you love the cartoon “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.” You like to try to sing the song, usually I sing M-I-C-K-E and you say “Y!!!” I say M-O-U-S and you say “CEEE” And when you want me to turn on the cartoon you point at the TV and say “Y… CEEE…mouse” How can I say no to that!

This past week you had a sinus infection and were a little sick. Your appetite has slowed down for the first time. Before this week, you were not the type of girl to skip a meal or leave food on your plate. Now you are quite picky! You won’t even eat your pasta pick ups that you used to LOVE!

At lunch today you yawned and looked at me and said “ ni nite.” You seamed pretty tired so I put you down for a nap. For the next hour and fifteen minutes you did everything but go to sleep. I found you sneaking out of your bed and playing with books, your baby monitor, your nightlight and eventually you started to get up and walk into the living room or sneak into the hall. I put you back in bed several times…trying very hard not to laugh! Eventually you fell asleep. In about 30 min you woke up and came into the living room I picked you up and you were back to sleep in just a minute. I held you and let you sleep for the next two hours! I LOVED it. You were so tired and SO SWEET!! I know that all too soon you will think that you are too big for me to hold you while you sleep. So I will take that chance while I can. Watching you get so big and smart is amazing. Today will be a great memory for me of you as my baby.

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