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Friday, November 24, 2006

Your first Thanksgiving

Dear Caylee,
Yesterday was our first Thanksgiving with you. We had a great day! We went to Grandmommy and Granddaddy’s house to have our Thanksgiving feast. You got to spend the day with your family. Your cousins Chance, Cade, Catherine and Caroline and Grandma and Grandpa and your aunts and uncles Todd, Allison, Tiff and Scott were all there.

Before we ate lunch your cousins all shared what they were thankful for, all of them said how thankful they were that you were with us this year. It was so sweet! You had a great time playing with them. You played tea party and Aunt Tiff brought you a book about horses that you really liked.

While we were there you put three words together for the first time. You were looking for your Mommy and you said “MiMi…aaaare you?” (Mommy where are you?) When we got home you had a lot to say too. While you were getting your PJ’s on you said the whole “Daisy’s Dance” from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cartoon…. and it’s pretty long. Jump forward, jump backward, clap clap clap, march march march, slide to one side, slide to the other side. You have said it in parts before as you perform it, but tonight was the first time that you put it all together at once. You are getting so much better at using your words.

Today you stayed at home with Grandma and Grandpa. They said that you were a very good girl. You played independently and were very sweet. Tonight you had a good time reading your books. You turn the pages and babble and babble and babble. You point at the pictures and say the ones that you know. Mommy bought you a “big girl” cup and you got to use it at dinner tonight. You really liked it, and you drank a lot!

Tomorrow you get to stay with Grandma and Grandpa again while we are at work. I know you will have a great time!

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