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Monday, May 28, 2007

Fun Weekend!

Dear Caylee,
You had a great Memorial Day weekend this year. On Saturday we went to North Carolina for Cade's birthday party. You had a really good time! You got to see lots of your family.There were balloons,which you loved! You made new friends, and you learned to swing on the big girl swing all by yourself! You were really excited about that.

The next morning you ate breakfast three times. (aunt Tiffiny bought donuts!!) After visiting with everyone for a while we left for home. You must have had a really great time and tired yourself out because you slept the whole 3 hour ride home. (You usually only sleep about half an hour.)

Today you got to visit Debbie in the morning, she brought you to Bob Evan's for a late breakfast. Later we went to visit your friends Josh and Callen. You stayed in the pool ALL DAY!! You love to be in the water. You had a great time going under the water. NO FEAR!!! Most of the time you had on floaties, but a few times we would take them off and let you try to swim. You did a much better job kicking your feet with your floaties on. When you figured out that you got to go under water without your floaties you decided that it was fun! You like to stand on the steps and go completely underwater and pop your head up at the last minute. I hope that you will learn to swim without your floaties soon!

Once again you wore yourself out!! You were so tired when we got home, but I know you had a great time!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Catching up

Dear Caylee,
It's been a few weeks since I have blogged for you so I thought I would catch you up. You have been having a great time playing with Josh and Callen on the weekends, you love to play and swim together. We told you that you did a great job swimming last weekend and you like to remind us frequently and say"great job swimmin' day." You are very proud.

Sunday Mommy let you skip your nap. You were playing with your friends from 1pm until 6:00. It was a big day of Swimming and jumping on the trampoline. When we got home you barely made it through bath time, you were asleep before I even got to put on your PJ's!! You were SO tired!!

You have not been doing such a great job of going to bed latley. Every night seems to be a bit of a power struggle. You get up over and over again and we keep putting you right back in bed. You are trying so hard! One night you pulled out all the stops and laid in bed crying "hep me, hep me, hep me" ( help me) It was really pitiful!!!

Your favorite book is "The Family Book." We read it every night, you especialy like to say "some pam-pees cwy-at, shhh!! an some pam-pees noy-see. awwwoo!!!" (some families are quite and some families are noisy)

This weekend we are going to a birthday party for your cousin Cade. I know you will have a great time playing with all your cousins and family!!

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Dear Caylee,
You are getting better and better in the water! Last weekend you figured out how to move in the water with your water wings on. You have known for a while how to spin around in a circle. Last weekend you were going after a toy that got away and when I told you to "run" you started moving your legs and you were SO excited to be able to move like you wanted to. You swam a lot that day.

Today you had a great day. We went to Debbie's to jump on the trampoline and swim. You were suppose to take a nap there, but you refused to fall asleep. Later you got to meet two new friends that are from Guatemala too. They are both 6 years old. You had a great time playing with them. You especially liked jumping on the trampoline with them. Tonight you went to bed an hour earlier than usual you were sooo tired!!

You still love to go to school. Every day you ask us if we had a good day at school with our friends, and you love to tell us about who gets in trouble in school. You are learning new songs and getting better and better at saying the pledge of allegiance.