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Monday, May 28, 2007

Fun Weekend!

Dear Caylee,
You had a great Memorial Day weekend this year. On Saturday we went to North Carolina for Cade's birthday party. You had a really good time! You got to see lots of your family.There were balloons,which you loved! You made new friends, and you learned to swing on the big girl swing all by yourself! You were really excited about that.

The next morning you ate breakfast three times. (aunt Tiffiny bought donuts!!) After visiting with everyone for a while we left for home. You must have had a really great time and tired yourself out because you slept the whole 3 hour ride home. (You usually only sleep about half an hour.)

Today you got to visit Debbie in the morning, she brought you to Bob Evan's for a late breakfast. Later we went to visit your friends Josh and Callen. You stayed in the pool ALL DAY!! You love to be in the water. You had a great time going under the water. NO FEAR!!! Most of the time you had on floaties, but a few times we would take them off and let you try to swim. You did a much better job kicking your feet with your floaties on. When you figured out that you got to go under water without your floaties you decided that it was fun! You like to stand on the steps and go completely underwater and pop your head up at the last minute. I hope that you will learn to swim without your floaties soon!

Once again you wore yourself out!! You were so tired when we got home, but I know you had a great time!

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