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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Happy Birthday!!! 2 years old!!!

Dear Caylee,
Today is your 2nd birthday! Yesterday Mommy and I went to your school for a birthday party with your class. We had “Cars” plates and gift bags for you and your friends and Mommy made you some chocolate cupcakes to share with your friends. You all made a big MESS!!!!

You loved your cupcake! After you finished your cupcake, you asked for another, and after you finished that one you wanted ANOTHER. We had to cut you off at Cupcake #2, you were pretty upset about that.

Today your friend Zaria came to play with you. We had a great time. We went to Broadway at the Beach. You and Zaria got to ride around in your wagon. We fed the ducks, played on the playground, ate pizza and of course rode the rides…horses, cars AND the train!

When you go back to school you will be in your new class. The 2 year old class!! I can’t believe you are 2 already. You have grown SO much. You are so much better with your verbal skills and are very smart. It so fun to play with you now. You are very interactive with your toys and sometimes you even put them in time out!

Monday we are going to visit Mimi and Paw Paw in Louisiana. I know you will have a great time spending time with them and all of your cousins too. I hope you will be good on the plane ride.

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