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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Visit to Louisiana

Dear Caylee,
Last week we got to visit your family in Louisiana. You were such a good girl on the air plane and (for the most part) in the airport too. On the first leg of the flight you went to sleep right away just like I asked you to. On the second leg you played with your Mickey Mouse Toys and watched Cars ( your FAVORITE movie.)

When we got to the airport Mimi and Paw-Paw were SO happy to see you! You were in a much better mood than when you were when we went to visit the last time!

We stayed at Mimi and Paw Paw’s house right across the street from your cousin Sydney. She was so excited that you were coming. When we got there she was sick so we had to wait to play with her until Wednesday. You had such a great time playing with her. She slept next to you each night. Any time she was not around you would say “see-nee are you” When you wanted her to play with you, you would say “ cu-mo See-nee” ( come on Sydney) and take her hand. I have never seen you so attached to another kid. It was very cute!!!

You also got to play with your other cousins they came over at some time during the week to say hello. They watched Cars with you and played toys with you. You even took a bath with Conner. You liked to play one on one rather than with a big group. The big group made you a little nervous.

At first you were nervous about all of the adults, but you warmed up to everyone by the end of the trip. Usually they had to bribe you with food or with taking you outside but at least you would let them talk to you. You warmed up to Mimi right away. You had a great time playing with her. One night you laughed so hard you had tears rolling down your face at Mimi because she was coughing and sneezing!

While we were there Aunt Lisa cut your hair. You DID NOT like that!!!! You sreamed the whole time! It seems that we are going to have to stop putting your hair in pig-tales everyday because the hair is breaking off. Wearing your hair down makes you look like such a BIG GIRL!!!

We had a great time visiting with everyone. I hope we will get to see them again soon.


Anonymous said...

Hey you guys! Sydney just read your newest posts. Both she and Connor enjoyed reading about their visit with Caylee on the computer. We are alreayd pulling info on Myrtle Beach. Get ready for a visit sometime in June!


Anonymous said...

Connor says "Please come play over here again real soon---tomorrow!"