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Saturday, January 27, 2007


Dear Caylee,
You are having a little trouble sleeping this week. Mommy has caught you getting up several times during the night. You get up and play with your night light, play with your stuffed animals and come into our room. You kept Mommy up all this week while I was away at work.

You have been doing a little better with your new class in day care. Your teacher says that you are a little aggressive with the kids in your class. That seems to be what you do when you are in a new environment. I hope you won’t beat-up all the kids on the cruise in February!

Last week you used the potty for the first time! We were going to get you started on potty training this week, but we decided to wait until after we get back from vacation. We didn’t want you to get nervous on the ship and reverse everything you have learned. Last time we went on the cruise you were scared of the bath tub, I can only imagine how scary the toilet on the cruise could be to you!

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