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Friday, March 16, 2007

Miss Manners

Dear Caylee,
My computer crashed so I have not blogged for a while. You are doing so many cute things. You have such nice manners. You love to say “pank you Mama” (Thank you) every time I hand you something. And when I say “thank you” you always say “welcome.” When anyone sneezes you say “bess you” (bless you) and when I cough you say “guness gway-shus Mama.” You really are very sweet! It’s very cute to see you say sorry when you make a mistake. You hang your little head low and make sad eye’s

You are also quite the little actress. You like to make sad, mad and happy faces, and you have a really great fake cry that you put on when you say bye to someone (even if you don’t really like them.) While we were at Walmart you put on the fake cry when the lady in line tried to tell you bye too.

You really like your school. When you wake up in the morning you like to say. “ ga go school see fins, Tammy” ( Gotta go to school and see friends and Ms. Tammy your teacher) At night time you usually tell us about your day. You tell use “Dawson truuubooo” (Dawson got in trouble) and sometimes you tell us your teacher Ms. Tammy was in trouble too.

You are still hooked on the movie “Finding Nemo” and love to play cars. We are trying to get you to like another movie because we are so tired of watching Finding Nemo!!

You have started to like to play with your babies too. You like for them to read stories with us at night and sometimes when we sit down for dinner you let us know that your baby is hungry too, and we let her sit at the table with us.

You LOVE to eat “apple-saw” (applesauce) and drink “Mee Mulk” (Minnie Milk.) Minne Milk is Strawberry flavored milk. We put it in a Minnie mouse glass and you get to help put in the red syrup and stir. I’m not sure if you like the helping make the milk or drinking the milk more.

You are so much fun to have around. We love to play with you and you really are a very good girl. We love you SOOOO much!

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