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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Slumber party with Grandmommy and Grandaddy

Dear Caylee,
You got to spend last night with Grandmommy and Grandaddy. They came to stay the night with you at your house while Mommy and I were out to celebrate 10 years together.
You were not feeling very good when they arrived, and you were making sure everyone knew it. Especially me! The spring pollen got the best of you and you were coughing and sneezing and had a terrible runny nose.

Of course right after we lest you must have been feeling much better, because Grandmommy and Grandaddy said that you were a very good girl. Very tired… but very good. You fell asleep in Grandaddy’s lap 30 min. before you usually fall asleep.

You are so smart! You amaze us all the time. The other day we figured out that you were singing the “baby bumble bee” song that you had learned from school. It’s very cute!!

You love the little boy from next door Chrstian. He has a soccer ball and a slide and he always plays very nice with you. You ask for him every day. You say “see Crispin” You like Stacey and Debbie too. You usually ask for Debbie and want to go to their house to jump on the trampoline. Debbie always bribes you with good food and Diet Coke. You really like her.

You are starting to get pretty interested in wearing panties. You have some with Elmo, Nemo, ponies and of course Cars. You want to wear the “pa-nees” but not enough to go to the potty just yet. I know it won’t be too much longer. You are just getting SOOOO big!!!

Easter is coming up soon. I know you will have a great time at the Easter egg hunt. I can’t wait for you to see your Easter basket in the morning!!

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