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Saturday, March 03, 2007


Dear Caylee,
We had a great time on our cruise together. We left from Myrtle Beach on an airplane. You like to say “up up sky” After some slight changes in our flights and some misplaced baggage we met our friends Robert and Ruben and Kristi and Charlci in Miami for dinner.

The next day we left on the “bee shp” (big ship) for 7 days of fun. You had such a great time. We decorated our door on the ship with lots of your favorite pictures. You liked to walk down the hall to find “tayee’s dour” (Caylee’s door)

You were a little shy with “Cha-see” and “Krispee” at first, but you warmed up to them pretty quick. You loved to tell Charlci “no book mouth.” We’re not sure why you kept telling her that, but it is from one of your favorite Mickey Mouse books where Pluto was holding a book in his mouth.

You had a great time swimming in the pool, even though it was very cold. You learned to turn around in a circle while you were wearing your arm floaties. You also liked to play in the whirlpool with the “buu-boos” (bubbles.) You were afraid of the toddler pool because the slide was shaped like the mouth of a dolphin. I guess you thought he was eating all of those kids!

You like the pirate party and the other family dance parties. You were so cute dancing with the other kids. You did not like the adults as much. You were scared of Rosie (O’Donnell) too. The only thing you would say to her was “piz-zaa” (peace out)

You had a great time at the beach too. You were afraid of the waves at the first beach we went to because they were a little rough, but at the second beach you had a great time! “Krispee” and Cha-see” brought you some great beach toys to play with and by the end of the day, you were having a great time playing in the waves too.

You were a pretty good girl on the trip. You did get a little nervous around big crowds and when you saw strangers in the hallway. There was a melt down or two after a long day of playing, and for some reason taking both taking a bath and getting out of the bath were big issues.

The best part of the whole trip was getting to spend time with our family and friends. When we left “Krispee” and “Cha-see” at the airport, you were sad. You were crying when you had to say bye-bye.
We had so much fun with you. We can’t wait for our next trip together!

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