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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Fun weekend with you

Dear Caylee,
What a great weekend we had. We got to do lots of fun things together. Saturday we got to go to Broadway at the beach. We had ice cream together and you got to play with the other kids at the water fountain. You were not real sure about it at first, but after watching the other kids play, you decided to give it a try.
At home we played with your car. You like to say “WEEE” and “Brrrrom”. Your favorite thing is playing hide and go boo. You always scream and laugh when we jump out and say boo.
Sunday we got to visit Grandmommy and Granddaddy. And your friends Stacey (AKA stinky) and Debbie (AKA Debu.) They let you swim in their pool. You had such a great time! You are really a pretty good swimmer for your age.
Tonight was a little sad. I had to leave for work. I won’t be home again until Friday. I will miss you so much!!! I know you and Mommy will have a great time. I wish I could be there with you.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Watch This!

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Three "Uh-OH's"

Dear Caylee,
You had three “Uh-oh” reports at school today.
#1)10:50am: “Caylee wanted a baby that another child had. When that child would not give her the baby, Caylee bit that child.”
#2)11:15am: “At the lunch table Caylee turned and bit the child that was sitting next to her.”
#3)11:30am: “Caylee wanted a book that another child was looking at. When that child did not give Caylee the book she bit that child.”

What are we going to do with you? I hope you don't get kicked out of school!!!

You are such a sweet baby at home! We love to watch you watch TV at night. The “Backyardigans” cartoon is your favorite. You like to clap your hands and dance along with the characters. Tonight we watched the pirate one. It is one of your favorites!

Monday, July 24, 2006

no school today!

Dear Caylee,
What a rough weekend for you. You were sick all weekend…poor baby! The good news you got out of School today (Monday) and may get out tomorrow too. You were really very good considering how sick you were. You were also good enough to share you illness with me. So no work for me today either. Poor Mommy was stuck cleaning up everything, and believe me you left quite a mess or two or three.
You are getting really good at your letters and you are really getting into playing with “little people” you like to make them jump and you really like for me to make them talk to each other. You are so much fun to play with now. We are having a blast with you (even when you are sick)
I hope you are all better tomorrow.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Dear Caylee,
Today at school you got three incident reports!!! Yes three!!! First you bit your friend when he was playing with a toy that you wanted to play with. Then just 30 min later you bit him again when he tried to take your toy. And shortly after that you tried to bite someone else while lining up to go play outside. Your teacher said that you were “aggressive.” Aggressive? You? Surely not my sweet baby!! Maybe you were testing the waters. This is your first week with “the big kids.”

The day just kept getting better for you. Just last week we were talking about how we were so glad that we had not had to deal with the whole “throwing-up” thing. Well it seems we spoke too soon. Tonight, you broke us in. You were SO sick. After a few hours we ended up having to take you to the hospital. We are home now, and I am hoping that you will be fine in the morning. Poor baby!!! What a rough day.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

not a great day

Dear Caylee,
Yesterday was not a great day for you. It was your first day in the “toddler class” you had to leave your friends in the “beginners” room behind. I know you will miss your teacher Ms. Corra. She was your favorite. When I dropped you off you were very upset. Even after we offered you grits and Biscuits!
At night you were a little cranky and asked for me (Momma ) a lot. (I think your teeth were hurting.) I missed dinner with you and I think that upset you a little too.
I got home after you were asleep… so I slept in your room with you. I wanted to make sure you knew I was home.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Now that we're caught up....

Dear Caylee,
You did some really cute stuff today. I put Cinnamon in your doll stroller and you ttok great Joy in strolling her around the house. (I don’t think she like it very much) You even gave her a little kiss on the head.
Your new favorite game is sort if a version of hide and go seek. You say “bye, yater, bye” and blow a kiss as you leave the room. A few seconds later you return with a big “HI!!!!!” You really like when mommy and I hide before you come back in.
We also noticed your preference to the letters A B C D and E. Of your 26 foam letters those are the ones you carfully select and carry around with you. You are very smart. You know most of your letters (or at least the sounds they make.) You surprise us each day with what you know.

Catching up on the past 6 months

Okay.... Let's try to get caught up on the last six months
Came home on Jan 25th 2006 at 13 months old
started walking a week or so after
First word was "Duck" although not all believed it). Some other cute notables.."ca" for cracker... "EEE" means eat."toooo dump" means 1 2 3 jump.
loves the "Backyardigans"; books; letters; swimming... well playing in the water.
we got lots of great pix, but I hate that we have not journaled until now. I will try to keep up with all of the great things we are experiencing.


Caylee has been home for almost 6 months now and I have yet to start that scrap book I was gonna start.....so I thought I would give this a try.
I am gonna try to figure out how to post pix and movies etc... we'll see how that works.
Man I hope this has a spell check!!!