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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Three "Uh-OH's"

Dear Caylee,
You had three “Uh-oh” reports at school today.
#1)10:50am: “Caylee wanted a baby that another child had. When that child would not give her the baby, Caylee bit that child.”
#2)11:15am: “At the lunch table Caylee turned and bit the child that was sitting next to her.”
#3)11:30am: “Caylee wanted a book that another child was looking at. When that child did not give Caylee the book she bit that child.”

What are we going to do with you? I hope you don't get kicked out of school!!!

You are such a sweet baby at home! We love to watch you watch TV at night. The “Backyardigans” cartoon is your favorite. You like to clap your hands and dance along with the characters. Tonight we watched the pirate one. It is one of your favorites!

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