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Sunday, July 16, 2006

Now that we're caught up....

Dear Caylee,
You did some really cute stuff today. I put Cinnamon in your doll stroller and you ttok great Joy in strolling her around the house. (I don’t think she like it very much) You even gave her a little kiss on the head.
Your new favorite game is sort if a version of hide and go seek. You say “bye, yater, bye” and blow a kiss as you leave the room. A few seconds later you return with a big “HI!!!!!” You really like when mommy and I hide before you come back in.
We also noticed your preference to the letters A B C D and E. Of your 26 foam letters those are the ones you carfully select and carry around with you. You are very smart. You know most of your letters (or at least the sounds they make.) You surprise us each day with what you know.

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