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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Fun weekend with you

Dear Caylee,
What a great weekend we had. We got to do lots of fun things together. Saturday we got to go to Broadway at the beach. We had ice cream together and you got to play with the other kids at the water fountain. You were not real sure about it at first, but after watching the other kids play, you decided to give it a try.
At home we played with your car. You like to say “WEEE” and “Brrrrom”. Your favorite thing is playing hide and go boo. You always scream and laugh when we jump out and say boo.
Sunday we got to visit Grandmommy and Granddaddy. And your friends Stacey (AKA stinky) and Debbie (AKA Debu.) They let you swim in their pool. You had such a great time! You are really a pretty good swimmer for your age.
Tonight was a little sad. I had to leave for work. I won’t be home again until Friday. I will miss you so much!!! I know you and Mommy will have a great time. I wish I could be there with you.

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