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Friday, July 21, 2006


Dear Caylee,
Today at school you got three incident reports!!! Yes three!!! First you bit your friend when he was playing with a toy that you wanted to play with. Then just 30 min later you bit him again when he tried to take your toy. And shortly after that you tried to bite someone else while lining up to go play outside. Your teacher said that you were “aggressive.” Aggressive? You? Surely not my sweet baby!! Maybe you were testing the waters. This is your first week with “the big kids.”

The day just kept getting better for you. Just last week we were talking about how we were so glad that we had not had to deal with the whole “throwing-up” thing. Well it seems we spoke too soon. Tonight, you broke us in. You were SO sick. After a few hours we ended up having to take you to the hospital. We are home now, and I am hoping that you will be fine in the morning. Poor baby!!! What a rough day.

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