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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Caylee and Mommy with her new scooter

Ice cream social

Dear Caylee,

Today your school had an ice cream social. We all went. You had a great time playing at the sand table. You were on your best behavior. You did not bite anyone. I was so proud of you. You got to eat ice cream and sprinkles. We met some of the other parents and you made us very proud.

After the ice cream social we ate lunch and took a nap. When you woke up you got to try to ride the new scooter your mommy bought you today. You are not very good at it yet. You like to push stand behind it and push it and you have figured out how to sit on it and make it go backwards. Tooooo cute.

Later we went swimming again. You always have a great time doing that. You love for us to lay you back in the water. When you have your arm floaties on you like to lay back, completely relaxed like you are asleep. Today there was a lady at the pool that kept trying to talk to you. You did not like her, and you made it clear. You can turn on the tears in a second.

Right now you are asleep. I can’t wait to have another great day with you tomorrow!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Beautiful Girl august 2006

DSC_00211348edit, originally uploaded by tryn2bmoms.

Sent Home

Dear Caylee,
Today you got sent home from School. Why? Well....
10:00 am: While coming in from outside Caylee tried to bite a freind on the finger for no reason.
10:30 am: Caylee bit a friend on the arm in housekeeping. We are unsure of the reason.
11:00 am: While getting ready for lunch Caylee tried to bite another child because she wanted to sit where they were.
11:20 am: another child was looking out the door. Caylee ran up and bit that child for no apparent reason.
11:25 am: we got a call from the school saying that you were not eating and acting out. The school thought perhaps it would be better if you "spent the day with your mommy."

We thought you were getting better about this. You went a few days with no incidents. I wonder what is going on in your little head....I sure hope you don't get kicked out of school!!!

Your Mommy picked you up from school and took you to visit me at work. You had a great time poiting out all of the letters around the store. Tonight we had dinner with Stinky and Debu at Burro Loco. You always like the rice and black beans. Yum!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The cousins

the cousins

Monday, August 14, 2006

A visit to Louisiana

Dear Caylee,

This weekend you got to visit your cousins in Louisiana. All of them were there. What an event! 12 cousins, Aunts, Uncles and Mimi and Paw-Paw. We took some pictures with everyone.
Mimi and Paw-Paw were having a 40th anniversary party. They were so happy to see you. You had a great time. You just jumped right in and played with everyone. You got to swim, play cars, swim, play ball, swim and play chase. You had a great time swimming!! (and you are pretty good at it for your age too.)
Your cousin Sydney loves you sooooo much, and you love playing with her too. You both played together the whole time! She even slept in your bed with you at night AND while you took a nap, just to make sure you did not fall off the bed.
I think you had a really good time.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Called to the principals office

Dear Caylee,
Today we got a summons to the Directors office at your school. It seems a certain little girl at school has been behaving in an aggressive manner quite frequently. She has been pulling hair, pinching and biting other kids. The director is going to have a teacher “shadow” the child to help determine the best way to address the issue.
Who is that little girl? YOU, yep sweet little YOU.
We can hardly believe it. You are so sweet at home… (well for the most part) So tonight we are franticly searching the internet looking for articles and books that may help us. I wish I knew what was going on in your little head!
I hope we find a way to fix this soon.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Dear Caylee,
Well, you are certainly determined. Tonight you were not in the best mood. You decided that you did not want to take a bath when it was time to take a bath so you started a crying fit. It lasted all through your bath and putting on PJ’s and brushing teeth and so on…
You had to sit in your crying chair and cry. After your 45 min tantrum we are re thinking where we place the crying chair. It is a little to close to the living area making it hard to hear ANYTHING else! When you had finaly worn yourself out you came for your hug. A few minutes later you were as happy as could be.
The rest of bedtime went great. You enjoyed your story and went right to bed with no issues.
Today at school you had two “uh-oh” reports for biting. Already one more than you had last week.
I hope you have a much better day tomorrow.
Oh yes, by the way you really like your new shoes. It’s the first time we could really tell that you liked something. They are very cute on you!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

So darn cute!

Dear Caylee,
There are so Many things that are just so cute about you. They would take for ever to list them all but here are Just a few.
♥The way you SCREAM “HI!!!!” and run to get a hug when we come home.
♥That you call all animals “no B” because you think Bailey’s name is “ No Bailey”
♥The way you come and grab our hands and take us to what you want us to fix when you need help.
♥The way you grab your chin and say “hmmm” when you are thinking about something.
♥The way you dance when you hear music. Especially when it is the “Backyardigan” music.
♥The way you say “MMM” each time the microwave dings or you see food on TV.

Your just SO DARN cute!

This weekend we had a great time together. You went swimming again and you had a great time. You went under water and you love to just lay back and relax. Your favorite letter this weekend was S. You made sure to point it out on every sign we passed, on TV or on any book.

Mommy was very excited because you walked right up to her and said “Mommy” instead of “Mama” (which is me) like you usually do.

You are SO much fun. Now, if we could just stop the pinching and biting from you it would be great!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Watch "If your Happy and you know it"

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