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Friday, August 18, 2006

Sent Home

Dear Caylee,
Today you got sent home from School. Why? Well....
10:00 am: While coming in from outside Caylee tried to bite a freind on the finger for no reason.
10:30 am: Caylee bit a friend on the arm in housekeeping. We are unsure of the reason.
11:00 am: While getting ready for lunch Caylee tried to bite another child because she wanted to sit where they were.
11:20 am: another child was looking out the door. Caylee ran up and bit that child for no apparent reason.
11:25 am: we got a call from the school saying that you were not eating and acting out. The school thought perhaps it would be better if you "spent the day with your mommy."

We thought you were getting better about this. You went a few days with no incidents. I wonder what is going on in your little head....I sure hope you don't get kicked out of school!!!

Your Mommy picked you up from school and took you to visit me at work. You had a great time poiting out all of the letters around the store. Tonight we had dinner with Stinky and Debu at Burro Loco. You always like the rice and black beans. Yum!

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