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Sunday, August 06, 2006

So darn cute!

Dear Caylee,
There are so Many things that are just so cute about you. They would take for ever to list them all but here are Just a few.
♥The way you SCREAM “HI!!!!” and run to get a hug when we come home.
♥That you call all animals “no B” because you think Bailey’s name is “ No Bailey”
♥The way you come and grab our hands and take us to what you want us to fix when you need help.
♥The way you grab your chin and say “hmmm” when you are thinking about something.
♥The way you dance when you hear music. Especially when it is the “Backyardigan” music.
♥The way you say “MMM” each time the microwave dings or you see food on TV.

Your just SO DARN cute!

This weekend we had a great time together. You went swimming again and you had a great time. You went under water and you love to just lay back and relax. Your favorite letter this weekend was S. You made sure to point it out on every sign we passed, on TV or on any book.

Mommy was very excited because you walked right up to her and said “Mommy” instead of “Mama” (which is me) like you usually do.

You are SO much fun. Now, if we could just stop the pinching and biting from you it would be great!!

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