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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ice cream social

Dear Caylee,

Today your school had an ice cream social. We all went. You had a great time playing at the sand table. You were on your best behavior. You did not bite anyone. I was so proud of you. You got to eat ice cream and sprinkles. We met some of the other parents and you made us very proud.

After the ice cream social we ate lunch and took a nap. When you woke up you got to try to ride the new scooter your mommy bought you today. You are not very good at it yet. You like to push stand behind it and push it and you have figured out how to sit on it and make it go backwards. Tooooo cute.

Later we went swimming again. You always have a great time doing that. You love for us to lay you back in the water. When you have your arm floaties on you like to lay back, completely relaxed like you are asleep. Today there was a lady at the pool that kept trying to talk to you. You did not like her, and you made it clear. You can turn on the tears in a second.

Right now you are asleep. I can’t wait to have another great day with you tomorrow!

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