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Monday, August 14, 2006

A visit to Louisiana

Dear Caylee,

This weekend you got to visit your cousins in Louisiana. All of them were there. What an event! 12 cousins, Aunts, Uncles and Mimi and Paw-Paw. We took some pictures with everyone.
Mimi and Paw-Paw were having a 40th anniversary party. They were so happy to see you. You had a great time. You just jumped right in and played with everyone. You got to swim, play cars, swim, play ball, swim and play chase. You had a great time swimming!! (and you are pretty good at it for your age too.)
Your cousin Sydney loves you sooooo much, and you love playing with her too. You both played together the whole time! She even slept in your bed with you at night AND while you took a nap, just to make sure you did not fall off the bed.
I think you had a really good time.

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