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Monday, August 07, 2006


Dear Caylee,
Well, you are certainly determined. Tonight you were not in the best mood. You decided that you did not want to take a bath when it was time to take a bath so you started a crying fit. It lasted all through your bath and putting on PJ’s and brushing teeth and so on…
You had to sit in your crying chair and cry. After your 45 min tantrum we are re thinking where we place the crying chair. It is a little to close to the living area making it hard to hear ANYTHING else! When you had finaly worn yourself out you came for your hug. A few minutes later you were as happy as could be.
The rest of bedtime went great. You enjoyed your story and went right to bed with no issues.
Today at school you had two “uh-oh” reports for biting. Already one more than you had last week.
I hope you have a much better day tomorrow.
Oh yes, by the way you really like your new shoes. It’s the first time we could really tell that you liked something. They are very cute on you!

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