Saturday, November 03, 2007
New Car
Dear Caylee,
Today Mommy bought you a new car. It is a pink jeep she picked up at a garage sale on the way home. You are having a great time playing with it. You have not quite figured out how to steer, so you just sit back and hit the pedal. You did tell us as you were heading toward the pond “ we don’t put the car in the water…” so at least you have the basics down.
You checked out the whole car including the tires, keys and lights. I think you will have a great time playing with it!
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Saturday, November 03, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
Big girls dont cry
Dear Caylee,
You have a new favorite song. “ Big girls don’t cry” by Fergie. You were riding in the car with Mommy when she noticed you were singing the chorus to the song. This is the first “pop” song that you have ever seamed to like. You like to listen to Disney, Backyardigans and other kids music but never pop music before.
After Mommy told me that you liked the song I played it in my car for you, and sure enough you were rockin’ out! You were dancing and signing. You asked me to play it faster (which meant louder) so I cranked it up for you. Then you told me that I could not sing. I guess you wanted to do a solo!
Tonight I put the CD in the stereo and cranked it up. We danced four or five times to your new favorite song. After the first time we played it you ran into your playroom and grabbed your pretend microphone and started singing into it. I didn’t even know that you knew that singers used microphones! It was very cute!! You really tore it up. At one point you were singing into the microphone and dropped to your knees just like a little rock star! SOOOO cute!!!!
I think there is a little bit of a performer in you my little one…
Last night was Halloween. We went to Broadway at the Beach to go trick-or-treating. You had a great time as usual. You saw a few things that you thought were scary, but overall you were pretty brave. You wore your Minnie Mouse costume and every one thought you were very cute. After they would put candy in your bucket you would say “that was ve-we nice of her.” After trick or treat we went to ride the rides. You wanted to ride the carousel, then the cars and then the train. You had your Minnie Mouse shoes on which have a small heal on them, they made you just tall enough to ride the airplanes ny yourself for the first time. You didn’t quite figure out that you had to push and pull the lever to go up and down so you pretty much just went around in circles, but you still had fun!
We always have such a great time together!
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Friday, November 02, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Pumkin Party
Dear Caylee,
Last night we had a pumpkin carving party. Your friends Josh and Callan were here. You had such a great time. You had a great time digging into your pumpkin and stirring the seeds that we put into the bowl. You thought the slimy stuff was fun and you kept saying “ewwww dis-gustin” and “yucky.” You thought that was very funny.
We got to play hide and seek in the back yard with Josh and Callan too. You did not quite get it. You knew that people are suppose to count and run, but the hiding thing you didn’t quite get. You gave away the hiding spot of whoever it was that you were following because you would stand right out in the open and talk to them. You really just like the running part. You kept saying “ dis is awesome!!” You always have a great time playing with Josh and Callan.
You have been making a habit of getting up in the middle of the night and coming into our room. When you come into the room you bring your stuff with you, like you plan on staying the night. You bring your Minne doll, your Syndney doll, your “puppy” and your pink blanket that I made for you. “Puppy” is not really a puppy, it is really a very soft stuffed bear in a bunny costume. For some reason you call him puppy and you are insistent that that is his name… so we all go along with it. You like to take your little plastic Nemo toy and stuff it in puppy’s shirt so that you have them both. It’s really very cute.
Today we are going to go to Josh and Callan’s house to play. I know you will have a great time as usual!
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Sunday, October 21, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Carly's Birthday Party
Dear Caylee,
This weekend you went to your first birthday party. Carly from your school had a princess party at Gymnastics Inc. There were lots of fun things to do. You got to jump on a trampoline, run and jump into a big pit of foam, and play on a really cool swing that you loved!
You were a little shy at first, you wanted me to play with you instead of playing with the other kids. You warmed up to the other kids after a little while. You didn’t really care about watching Carly open the gifts, or the ice cream and birthday cake but you really liked the cookie with pink icing and the princess bag you got to take home.
Mommy has put up lots of Halloween decorations for you this year. You love to look at the pumpkins, ghosts and funny witches. This year you understand a lot more. I know you will have a great time trick-or-treating.
You are talking so much now. You make up stories and pretend play with all of your toys. You love to play give direction and have us follow. Every since the Disney trip you are really into the princess thing. You like to put on your dress, spin around and tell us you are a princess.
This weekend we are having a pumpkin party. Our friends are coming over to carve and decorate pumpkins. I know you will have a great time because Josh and Callan will be here. You really like to play with them!
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Monday, October 15, 2007
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Disney Trip
Dear Caylee,
We had such a great time on our Disney vacation! You were really a very good girl. We got there Thursday afternoon and after a little shopping we went to the Magic Kingdom. You like to call that Cinderella’s house. We had a chance to ride a few rides like the tea cups and the Cinderella’s carousel (which you called the animals) then your friends Josh and Callan came to meet us at the park. You always love to play with them so you were really happy to see them. That night we had some dinner and watched the parade together. You were very cute watching the parade. It was the first time that you had a chance to see all of the characters. You waved at them and said hello especially when Cinderella came by. You kept screaming her name trying to get her to wave at you. It was very cute.
Over the next week you got to do so many great things and had such a great time. You got to go trick or treating in the Magic Kingdom at “Mickey’s not so scary Halloween Party.” Actually you got to go THREE times, twice with Josh and Callan and once with just me and Mommy. You wore your Minnie dress to the first Halloween Party and got lots of Candy. It was great because it was a little cooler and there were no lines so you got to ride a lot of rides. There was a dance party at there too, you really wanted to go and dance with “chick-a dale” (Chip and Dale) you had a great time. Poor Chip and Dale though, you kept stalking them wanting them to hold you or talk to you while they were dancing. On the last Halloween Party while we were waiting in line to ride the astro orbiter there was a man in a very scary mask. You did not like him at all. You started screaming and wanted to get away as fast as you could. After I walked you away you started to calm down. You called him a “yucky man” and we told him to go away. You thought that was pretty funny. You laughed a lot at “Yucky Man” and kept telling him to go away. That night in your sleep you were whispering “go way Yucky Man.”.
There were a few other things that scared you too. Mostly it was the 3D movies. Mickey’s PhilharMagic, the Voyage of the little Mermaid (When Ursula came out) and especially A Bug’s Life! You really wanted out of that one! The theater got really dark and a big scary bug came out. You started saying “ I want to go home” then “excuse me momma, I want to go home!” it got increasingly louder until you were screeching EXCUSE ME MOMMA I WANT TO GO HOME!!” Mommy took you outside for the rest of the movie, it was just too scary for you.
I think you liked meeting the characters most of all. You always wanted to hug them, and you were very good at waiting your turn in line. You got to meet just about everyone. You loved meeting JoJo and Goliath and the little Einstein’s the best. You always showed the characters your shoes, you told most of them “ Nemo touched the butt” and “ My Mommy’s in the house” (we still don’t know why you said that) You got to have dinner with Mickey and his friends, Little Einstein’s and the Princesses too.
One of your favorite rides was the Safari ride at Animal Kingdom. You liked it because you got to see elephants, Giraffes and the hippopotamus (which you called the hippo-ta-potamus) You also got to see Finding Nemo the Musical there. You liked it because it was not scary and you LOVE the Nemo movie.
At the Magic Kingdom your favorites were the tea cups, the carousel, the cars, Dumbo, the Magic Carpets ,Goofy’s Barnstormer rollercoaster and you loved to see Cinderella’s house.
MGM was great because you got to see Playhouse Disney live on stage. We saw that one three times! There is a puppet show with JoJo and Pooh and some other cartoon that you did not know. On the second time you got picked from the audience to get up and show the crowd how to say hello to a gorilla. We were very surprised that you went up there, but you did! You made a great gorilla sound and the host Jamie gave you a Disney DVD as a prize. You really liked that! We also got to see Beauty and the Beast on stage. You liked seeing the Teacup and the Teapot.
Epcot was not your favorite, but you did get to meet lots of characters there and you got to ride the Nemo ride. You really liked to ride the Disney bus and the monorail too. You always wanted to be a big girl and sit in your own seat.
We had a great time and took lots of great pictures for you. You were such a good girl. We know that you were ready to go home though. A few days before we were suppose to go home you started asking about Bailey and Cinnamon, that is usually your way of saying that you want to go home. When we got home you were very happy to see them, you were petting and hugging them both. I think they were happy to see you too!
I hope that we can go again real soon. We just loved seeing you have such a great time.
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Sunday, October 07, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Count down to Disney
Dear Caylee,
Just a few weeks to go until we get to go to Disney! I know we are going to have a great time. Your friends Callen and Josh are going to come for the first few days of the trip too. You really like to play with them and they are so good with you. They are both very protective of you; they treat you like a little sister.
Last weekend we went to the aquarium with them. You like to hold Callen’s hand, and you think Josh is really funny. You were afraid to touch the horseshoe crabs until Josh did it, when he offered you the crab you took it right out of his hands.
We had a great time this weekend too. Yesterday we went to Broadway at the Beach. They have opened a new area called the Pavilion. This part has a lot more rides than Carousel Park. You really wanted to ride the teacups. We got a few tickets and you had a great time! You got to ride the tea cups, the carousel, the pirate ship and the caterpillar with me, and for the very first time you got to ride the cars and the boats all by yourself!
At first you were a little nervous, the rides went in a circle and you kept looking to make sure you could see me, but you really had a good time!
Today we went back to Broadway at the beach with Mommy. We went to the Disney store, had Pizza, and rode some more rides. We took the boat over to the aquarium and visited the fish and stingrays for a while. You were such a good girl. You were very sweet and you did a really good job listening too. We are so proud of you!
We can’t wait to take you to Disney. I know you will have a great time!!
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Granny's Birthday/ Bad flight
Dear Caylee,
This weekend you got to go on an airplane. It was Granny’s 80th birthday and we went to Alabama to go to her party. Almost all of your cousins and second cousins were there. There were a lot of kids!!
After the party we went to Mimi and Paw-Paw’s house in Florida. Sydney and Conner came to stay for a night too. You stayed up really late on Saturday night playing with everyone.
Sunday we got to go to the beach with everyone. You had a great time playing in the sand and in the water. You called the waves “big huna’s (big Kahunas.) Paw-Paw took you out in the ocean to play in the waves. You really like your uncle Kerry. You still call him Dad and you wanted to play with him a lot. At one point in the swimming pool you told me to go away because you wanted to play with Dad.
Riding on the planes for you was fun …for the most part. On the first leg of the flight over you were a really good girl, people on the plane were commenting on how good you were. You were a good girl in the airport of the lay-over, but you started to get really tired right before we boarded the second plane.
When you ran out of chips the terror started. You threw the biggest fit I have ever seen. It was the kind of fit that other kids throw, but not MINE!!! You were screaming and crying and arching your back. You were swinging at me and hitting my face. There was nothing to calm you down! So many people tried to help the flight attendant tried to give you candy or snacks, the little girl next to you tried to talk to you, a very nice little girl in the seat in front of you even gave you her baby doll to try to get you to calm down. The flight was slightly delayed because I could not get you in the seat and we almost got kicked off the plane!! The flight attendant had sympathy and just let me hold you until while we took off.
Shortly after we got in the air, out of nowhere, you just stopped. You stopped screaming and crying took a few deep breaths and looked right at me and said in the sweetest voice “hi momma” with a big smile on your face. It was as if you just got your body back from whatever took it over!! Not sure what really made your tantrum go quite that far, but I was really glad to have you back! You were really good on the rest of the flights, no problems at all. (whew!!)
Overall you had a really great time this weekend. It was great to get to see all of your cousins. You always have fun with them.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Big girl haircut
Dear Caylee,
What a big week for you. You have been doing such a great job with using the potty that your teacher said that you could wear big girl panties to school. No more pull-ups. You got to wear your panties to school and there were no accidents! Your teacher says that you don’t even ask to go to the bathroom, you just get up and go all by yourself.
You have been talking so much lately, and you love to tell everyone what to do. “ee body do dis!” (everybody do this) then you do something silly. When we do what we say you say “oh I so poud o you.” (Oh, I’m so proud of you) You love to play with your Sydney baby, you put her in time out and let her go to the potty and you make sure she is right beside you when you go to sleep.
Today was a big day too. You got your first real haircut. It was sad for me because you look like such a big girl now. I wanted to wait as long as we could and it got to the point that we just had to get it cut. You are beautiful as ususal, you just look so big!
This weekend we went swimming with Debbie. We played “Dora” in the pool, you sure do love Dora! You had a great time and wore yourself out. After nap you got to jump on the trampoline and play with the soccer ball. We all had a great time!!
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Saturday, August 11, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Play time!
Dear Caylee,
We had such a great time playing with you tonight. You kept saying “c’mon guys eh-body do dis” (everybody do this) then you would show us what you wanted us to do. It was your own version of follow the leader. You had us jumping, falling down, clapping our hands and all sorts of things!
When I told you I was stuck you told me that you needed to check your (pretend) backpack to get me rope. I thought that was pretty smart for your age. You are doing a pretty good job using the potty now. You still have accidents if we forget to ask you if you need to go, but you always go when we ask and a few times you have actually reminded us!
This weekend Grandma, Grandpa and your cousin Catherine are coming to visit. I know you will have a great time visiting with them!
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Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
First Movie
Dear Caylee,
This weekend you saw your first movie in a theatre. I took you to see Disney/ Pixar’s “Ratatouile.” It’s a movie about a little mouse that wants to be a chef. I’m not sure it will be a classic, but it was pretty cute.
When we walked into the theatre, the lights were already down and the previews had already started. When the screen came into view for you, you came to a dead stop and your mouth was wide open. You were staring at the screen and started to look a little scared. I chose a seat close to the exit to be safe and you sat in my lap. It took you a little while to get comfortable, but after a while you sat in your booster seat and enjoyed the rest of the movie, and the popcorn, and rasinets, and apple juice! We went shopping afterward and you made sure to tell everyone that you talked to that you went to the movie and that you ate “corn” (pop-corn.)
You are still surprising us with all of the things that you know and say. Yesterday you asked me to play with you in your toy room while we were playing with your little people you got a very excited look on your face and said “wana pyea ye-shus mom?” (wanna play delicious) You have a large bin of pretend food that you pulled out and dumped on the floor. As we were playing you started saying “I cuuk it por you” (cook it for you.) You would stand at your pretend kitchen and put things in the oven. Pretend play is big fun for you know.
You are also very fascinated with looking at yourself in the mirror. You are starting to care a little more what you wear. You are asking to wear dresses and nightgowns at night-time.
It’s been about a year now since I started this blog for you. I was hoping that I would be able to keep it up a little better than a scrap-book. As it turns out you have quite few entries over the past year. I am going to put them all into a book for you to have when you are a big girl. I know it won’t have your school art-work and drawings etc… but I hope one day you will enjoy reading it.
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Sunday, July 15, 2007
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Our Dora look-alike in her Dora PJ's with her Dora doll watching Dora
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Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Busy girl
Dear Caylee,
You have had a very busy few days. On Tuesday you got to leave school early to go swimming with Debbie. You started swimming at about 3:30. Later a few friends joined us there were lots of kids there for you to play with. You did stop for a little while to eat and jump on the trampoline, but for the most part you were in the pool until 8:30 at night. That’s an hour past your bedtime! You were very tired and went right to sleep… after a small fit.
Today is the 4th of July. We went to the beach with Debbie. You had a great time playing in the sand and the waves. You started getting pretty tired about noon. You walked up to me and said “mamma hode ju” (mamma hold you.) I held you in the beach chair and you slept and SNORED for the next hour. When you woke up it you were very sweet. You gave a big smile as you looked at me and said “hi mamma.” I love to hold you. You are getting so big I know I won’t be able to hold you like that too much longer.
After the beach we went to Debbie’s for more swimming! You played in the pool and had a great time. You are not afraid of the water at all. You like to put your head under the water and blow bubbles. You are so brave that it scares me sometime.
Tonight was all about Dora. You learned about Dora at school and we are starting to realize how much you like her. Tonight you wore your new Dora P.J.’s, played with your Dora doll and watched a Dora cartoon before bedtime.
You are getting pretty particular about going to bed lately. First you just wanted your blanket, but over the last few weeks you have been adding things to your list of things you want to have with you when you go to sleep. Tonight we are up to blanket, pink lantern light, Sydney doll, plastic Nemo fish, Dora and several small, stuffed Backyardigan dolls. There is not much room in your bed for anything else.
It’s back to school for you tomorrow. You will probably still be tired from your very busy days. You have been doing so good at school going to the potty. On Tuesday you had dry pants all day long!!
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Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
A family visit/ Potty Time
Dear Caylee,
It’s been a while so there is a lot to tell you. You are getting to be a such a big girl! Last week we had visitors from Louisiana. Sydney and Conner came to visit and later in the week Mimi and Paw-Paw came too!
I was out of town when Sydney and Conner got here, so Mommy took you to their hotel to play with them. You got to go to the beach and to the swimming pool. You had such a good time. Pam said that you liked the beach the best. They took you in the waves which you called the “Big Kahunas.” When Mommy picked you up at 3:30 you fell asleep in the car right away and slept until 5:00!!! They wore you out.
When Mimi and Paw- Paw got here we met everyone for Dinner and Sydney stayed the night with you in your bed from then on. We went to the beach the next day and had a great time! You heard Sydney and Conner calling their Kerry Dad, so you called him Dad too. When you hurt yourself you said “show dad” because you wanted him to kiss it. You called him dad for the rest of the trip! It was really cute.
The next you and Sydney got went to the “friends 2 B made” store and made dolls with each other. Your doll looks like Sydney and Sydney’s doll looks like you. You each made voice recordings to put in each others doll. In your doll Sydney recoded “ Caylee, Sydney loves you” and you recorded “nub you” (love you) on her doll. You really like your new doll and that night you and Sydney and your new dolls all slept together in your bed.
After Sydney and Conner left we started potty training. At first you were really afraid of going to “T T “ in the potty. You were not afraid to sit on it, or the flushing you were really afraid of the sound it made when you went! You screamed the first time, you sat there for a LONG time and tried SO hard to NOT go. When you finally did you were not happy. The next day you were better. Mimi offered you a sucker if you TT’ed on the potty, you concentrated real hard and eventually you got the sucker. It was a battle for the next few days, but you are getting better now.
This weekend we put up a sticker chart and you get a sticker each time you go on the potty. You really like putting up the stickers and you have had dry panties for two days (with the exception of when you are sleeping.) You have not poo-poo’ed on the potty just yet, you are still a little scared of that.
Most of the time you are a very good girl, but very recently you have learned to be a little “sassy.” Its not really what you are saying, but how you are saying it. We are working with you trying to teach you that its “not nice” to be sassy. I think you are starting to understand because you came home from school saying “fins saaaasee not nice” ( friends sassy) It has been a little better the last few days so I hope this will pass soon.
Today we are going swimming with your friends Callen and Josh. You will get to try out your new swimming vest. You are getting very brave with your water wings so we want to see how you will do with this. I know you will have a great time today!
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Sunday, June 24, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Fun Weekend!
Dear Caylee,
You had a great Memorial Day weekend this year. On Saturday we went to North Carolina for Cade's birthday party. You had a really good time! You got to see lots of your family.There were balloons,which you loved! You made new friends, and you learned to swing on the big girl swing all by yourself! You were really excited about that.
The next morning you ate breakfast three times. (aunt Tiffiny bought donuts!!) After visiting with everyone for a while we left for home. You must have had a really great time and tired yourself out because you slept the whole 3 hour ride home. (You usually only sleep about half an hour.)
Today you got to visit Debbie in the morning, she brought you to Bob Evan's for a late breakfast. Later we went to visit your friends Josh and Callen. You stayed in the pool ALL DAY!! You love to be in the water. You had a great time going under the water. NO FEAR!!! Most of the time you had on floaties, but a few times we would take them off and let you try to swim. You did a much better job kicking your feet with your floaties on. When you figured out that you got to go under water without your floaties you decided that it was fun! You like to stand on the steps and go completely underwater and pop your head up at the last minute. I hope that you will learn to swim without your floaties soon!
Once again you wore yourself out!! You were so tired when we got home, but I know you had a great time!
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Monday, May 28, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Catching up
Dear Caylee,
It's been a few weeks since I have blogged for you so I thought I would catch you up. You have been having a great time playing with Josh and Callen on the weekends, you love to play and swim together. We told you that you did a great job swimming last weekend and you like to remind us frequently and say"great job swimmin' day." You are very proud.
Sunday Mommy let you skip your nap. You were playing with your friends from 1pm until 6:00. It was a big day of Swimming and jumping on the trampoline. When we got home you barely made it through bath time, you were asleep before I even got to put on your PJ's!! You were SO tired!!
You have not been doing such a great job of going to bed latley. Every night seems to be a bit of a power struggle. You get up over and over again and we keep putting you right back in bed. You are trying so hard! One night you pulled out all the stops and laid in bed crying "hep me, hep me, hep me" ( help me) It was really pitiful!!!
Your favorite book is "The Family Book." We read it every night, you especialy like to say "some pam-pees cwy-at, shhh!! an some pam-pees noy-see. awwwoo!!!" (some families are quite and some families are noisy)
This weekend we are going to a birthday party for your cousin Cade. I know you will have a great time playing with all your cousins and family!!
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Dear Caylee,
You are getting better and better in the water! Last weekend you figured out how to move in the water with your water wings on. You have known for a while how to spin around in a circle. Last weekend you were going after a toy that got away and when I told you to "run" you started moving your legs and you were SO excited to be able to move like you wanted to. You swam a lot that day.
Today you had a great day. We went to Debbie's to jump on the trampoline and swim. You were suppose to take a nap there, but you refused to fall asleep. Later you got to meet two new friends that are from Guatemala too. They are both 6 years old. You had a great time playing with them. You especially liked jumping on the trampoline with them. Tonight you went to bed an hour earlier than usual you were sooo tired!!
You still love to go to school. Every day you ask us if we had a good day at school with our friends, and you love to tell us about who gets in trouble in school. You are learning new songs and getting better and better at saying the pledge of allegiance.
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Sunday, May 06, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Bound to happen
Dear Caylee,
Well, I guess it was bound to happen eventually. This weekend you threw your first public temper tantrum. We were at the mall playing in the arcade. When I told you it was time to go you started throwing a big fit, and when I put you in time out (which has always worked before) you threw an even bigger fit! You refused to sit down, arched your back, screaming and crying and you even pulled out a new trick, hitting! You stood in front of me swinging your arms while Mommy and I looked at each other in shock. We just were not quite sure what to do. So, we put you in your stroller, strapped you in and took you to the car. I hope this won't be a normal occurrence.
You have been talking a lot lately. Last week when I was putting you to bed you started saying something I could not quite make out, so I listened really close. You were saying the pledge of allegiance I could not understand you until you got to "one Na-chun uhh god in-bis-pu li-ty juss por awwww" (one nation...) You are too smart!!
You love to sing too. You are learning lots of new songs at school. You surprise us all the time. You can sing "baby bumble bee," "twinkle twinkle little star,"the jumping song," and you LOVE to sing ABC's!!
Tonight you talked for about 2 hours non stop. After a big day of playing on the trampoline and the pool at Debbie's, you had some dessert. I think that's what had you so wound up. You were really cute, talking and singing non-stop!
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
eeeeggs arrr you? (Eggs where are you?)
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Happy Easter
Dear Caylee,
Happy Easter! At school on Friday your class had an Easter party. When you came home you told us “fine eggs.” You had a really good time. On Saturday your friend Christian from next door came to your house to play, and later we had an Easter egg hunt for both of you. You had a great time. You really like Christian. You think everything he does is funny. You always look for him when we are outside.
On Sunday when you woke up the Easter Bunny had paid you a visit. He left Easter eggs all over the floor. You noticed the eggs and picked up a few. You were happy to see the Easter basket, but when you found out that there were M&M’s inside the eggs you were really excited. You started flapping your arms and laughing.
The Easter Bunny left you lots of candy, a “Samari Pie” Tyrone (from your favorite Backyardigans cartoon), a horse flashlight, a coloring book and a few other fun things. I think you like the candy best.
You are taking vitamins now too. Flinstone vitamins. You really like them and never let us forget them. You say “purpoo pink!” (purple Pink.) to let us know you want your vitamins.
You are such a smart girl. You are doing really great with counting and ABC’s. We got you High-ho Cherri-0. It is a counting a game, and you LOVE to “p-yeah che-wees” (play Cherries) You don’t quite understand the whole game just yet, but you love to count the cherries and put them in the buckets.
At bedtime you just have to have your story, and now you want to have your baby “read” your story to you. You want me to have the baby move her head and help to turn the pages. You don’t really want to lay down and be quite, but you usually do it because your baby is sleeping and you think you need to be quite.
We have been taking you to visit Debbie and to jump on the trampoline at her house. You have so much fun doing that. You ask to see Debbie a lot now. Tonight she came to visit and you were so excited to see her. You ran to her and threw your arms up for her to pick you up for a big hug.
We are having a great time with you. Your personality is starting to develop even more now. You really like to be funny and you have a great sense of humor too. We always get such a kick out of seeing you laugh at a movie, especially when we weren’t quite sure you got the joke. You have such a great laugh!!!
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Slumber party with Grandmommy and Grandaddy
Dear Caylee,
You got to spend last night with Grandmommy and Grandaddy. They came to stay the night with you at your house while Mommy and I were out to celebrate 10 years together.
You were not feeling very good when they arrived, and you were making sure everyone knew it. Especially me! The spring pollen got the best of you and you were coughing and sneezing and had a terrible runny nose.
Of course right after we lest you must have been feeling much better, because Grandmommy and Grandaddy said that you were a very good girl. Very tired… but very good. You fell asleep in Grandaddy’s lap 30 min. before you usually fall asleep.
You are so smart! You amaze us all the time. The other day we figured out that you were singing the “baby bumble bee” song that you had learned from school. It’s very cute!!
You love the little boy from next door Chrstian. He has a soccer ball and a slide and he always plays very nice with you. You ask for him every day. You say “see Crispin” You like Stacey and Debbie too. You usually ask for Debbie and want to go to their house to jump on the trampoline. Debbie always bribes you with good food and Diet Coke. You really like her.
You are starting to get pretty interested in wearing panties. You have some with Elmo, Nemo, ponies and of course Cars. You want to wear the “pa-nees” but not enough to go to the potty just yet. I know it won’t be too much longer. You are just getting SOOOO big!!!
Easter is coming up soon. I know you will have a great time at the Easter egg hunt. I can’t wait for you to see your Easter basket in the morning!!
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Saturday, March 31, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Miss Manners
Dear Caylee,
My computer crashed so I have not blogged for a while. You are doing so many cute things. You have such nice manners. You love to say “pank you Mama” (Thank you) every time I hand you something. And when I say “thank you” you always say “welcome.” When anyone sneezes you say “bess you” (bless you) and when I cough you say “guness gway-shus Mama.” You really are very sweet! It’s very cute to see you say sorry when you make a mistake. You hang your little head low and make sad eye’s
You are also quite the little actress. You like to make sad, mad and happy faces, and you have a really great fake cry that you put on when you say bye to someone (even if you don’t really like them.) While we were at Walmart you put on the fake cry when the lady in line tried to tell you bye too.
You really like your school. When you wake up in the morning you like to say. “ ga go school see fins, Tammy” ( Gotta go to school and see friends and Ms. Tammy your teacher) At night time you usually tell us about your day. You tell use “Dawson truuubooo” (Dawson got in trouble) and sometimes you tell us your teacher Ms. Tammy was in trouble too.
You are still hooked on the movie “Finding Nemo” and love to play cars. We are trying to get you to like another movie because we are so tired of watching Finding Nemo!!
You have started to like to play with your babies too. You like for them to read stories with us at night and sometimes when we sit down for dinner you let us know that your baby is hungry too, and we let her sit at the table with us.
You LOVE to eat “apple-saw” (applesauce) and drink “Mee Mulk” (Minnie Milk.) Minne Milk is Strawberry flavored milk. We put it in a Minnie mouse glass and you get to help put in the red syrup and stir. I’m not sure if you like the helping make the milk or drinking the milk more.
You are so much fun to have around. We love to play with you and you really are a very good girl. We love you SOOOO much!
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Friday, March 16, 2007
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Dear Caylee,
We had a great time on our cruise together. We left from Myrtle Beach on an airplane. You like to say “up up sky” After some slight changes in our flights and some misplaced baggage we met our friends Robert and Ruben and Kristi and Charlci in Miami for dinner.
The next day we left on the “bee shp” (big ship) for 7 days of fun. You had such a great time. We decorated our door on the ship with lots of your favorite pictures. You liked to walk down the hall to find “tayee’s dour” (Caylee’s door)
You were a little shy with “Cha-see” and “Krispee” at first, but you warmed up to them pretty quick. You loved to tell Charlci “no book mouth.” We’re not sure why you kept telling her that, but it is from one of your favorite Mickey Mouse books where Pluto was holding a book in his mouth.
You had a great time swimming in the pool, even though it was very cold. You learned to turn around in a circle while you were wearing your arm floaties. You also liked to play in the whirlpool with the “buu-boos” (bubbles.) You were afraid of the toddler pool because the slide was shaped like the mouth of a dolphin. I guess you thought he was eating all of those kids!
You like the pirate party and the other family dance parties. You were so cute dancing with the other kids. You did not like the adults as much. You were scared of Rosie (O’Donnell) too. The only thing you would say to her was “piz-zaa” (peace out)
You had a great time at the beach too. You were afraid of the waves at the first beach we went to because they were a little rough, but at the second beach you had a great time! “Krispee” and Cha-see” brought you some great beach toys to play with and by the end of the day, you were having a great time playing in the waves too.
You were a pretty good girl on the trip. You did get a little nervous around big crowds and when you saw strangers in the hallway. There was a melt down or two after a long day of playing, and for some reason taking both taking a bath and getting out of the bath were big issues.
The best part of the whole trip was getting to spend time with our family and friends. When we left “Krispee” and “Cha-see” at the airport, you were sad. You were crying when you had to say bye-bye.
We had so much fun with you. We can’t wait for our next trip together!
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Saturday, March 03, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Goin' cruisin'
Dear Caylee,
We’re goin’crusin’. Saturday we leave for our second cruise with you. I have been telling you all about it and now you are telling me about it too. You say “up, up sky” because you know we are going on an airplane, and you say “ship” and “fins” (friends) because we have told you that you will meet lots of new friends too. We are bringing along lots of your favorite toys like cars and Mickey and Minnie Mouse. I hope you are a good girl. We have a few long plane rides and you don’t usually like crowds.
This week at school you had a valentine party. You got to bring Valentines for your friends and M&M’s. You really liked putting the heart stickers on the Valentines, and you really liked the candy that the other kids brought you too!
My new favorite word to hear you say is Ketchup. You say “check-up” TOO CUTE !!
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Friday, February 16, 2007
Sunday, February 04, 2007
4 letter words
Dear Caylee,
We had a great time today! Mommy had to go to work in the morning so we snuck into a local hotel and went swimming. We played in the heated pool and a lasy river. You had a great time! You like to blow bubbles and jump from the side of the pool. You didn’t even mind going under water.
Tonight we went to a friend’s house for dinner. On the way there we learned just how much you are listening to what we are saying. When I let a four letter word fly… seconds later, so did you. The scenario repeated its self later tonight when Mommy almost slipped on one of your cars. I am hoping that you don’t remember those words when you wake up in the morning!
You were a pretty good girl tonight. You were nice to everyone…at least everyone who gave you food. You also really liked the cat!
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Sunday, February 04, 2007
Friday, February 02, 2007
Dear Caylee,
Well I guess the time is here. I think this is what they call the terrible two’s. You have discovered the power of the word no…and you like it! It is your most favorite word.
Do you want to play? No. Do you want some juice? No. Do you want to eat? No.
Actually you say “uuu No”
You are testing your boundaries more and more everyday. As for now, “time out” seems to work pretty good. Usually when you get put in time out you blame it on someone else, Mommy or Bailey or anyone. You point your finger at them and say “na nice” (not nice)
You just keep getting bigger and bigger!
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Friday, February 02, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Dear Caylee,
You are having a little trouble sleeping this week. Mommy has caught you getting up several times during the night. You get up and play with your night light, play with your stuffed animals and come into our room. You kept Mommy up all this week while I was away at work.
You have been doing a little better with your new class in day care. Your teacher says that you are a little aggressive with the kids in your class. That seems to be what you do when you are in a new environment. I hope you won’t beat-up all the kids on the cruise in February!
Last week you used the potty for the first time! We were going to get you started on potty training this week, but we decided to wait until after we get back from vacation. We didn’t want you to get nervous on the ship and reverse everything you have learned. Last time we went on the cruise you were scared of the bath tub, I can only imagine how scary the toilet on the cruise could be to you!
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Saturday, January 27, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Visit to Louisiana
Last week we got to visit your family in Louisiana. You were such a good girl on the air plane and (for the most part) in the airport too. On the first leg of the flight you went to sleep right away just like I asked you to. On the second leg you played with your Mickey Mouse Toys and watched Cars ( your FAVORITE movie.)
When we got to the airport Mimi and Paw-Paw were SO happy to see you! You were in a much better mood than when you were when we went to visit the last time!
We stayed at Mimi and Paw Paw’s house right across the street from your cousin Sydney. She was so excited that you were coming. When we got there she was sick so we had to wait to play with her until Wednesday. You had such a great time playing with her. She slept next to you each night. Any time she was not around you would say “see-nee are you” When you wanted her to play with you, you would say “ cu-mo See-nee” ( come on Sydney) and take her hand. I have never seen you so attached to another kid. It was very cute!!!
You also got to play with your other cousins they came over at some time during the week to say hello. They watched Cars with you and played toys with you. You even took a bath with Conner. You liked to play one on one rather than with a big group. The big group made you a little nervous.
At first you were nervous about all of the adults, but you warmed up to everyone by the end of the trip. Usually they had to bribe you with food or with taking you outside but at least you would let them talk to you. You warmed up to Mimi right away. You had a great time playing with her. One night you laughed so hard you had tears rolling down your face at Mimi because she was coughing and sneezing!
While we were there Aunt Lisa cut your hair. You DID NOT like that!!!! You sreamed the whole time! It seems that we are going to have to stop putting your hair in pig-tales everyday because the hair is breaking off. Wearing your hair down makes you look like such a BIG GIRL!!!
We had a great time visiting with everyone. I hope we will get to see them again soon.
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Happy Birthday!!! 2 years old!!!
Today is your 2nd birthday! Yesterday Mommy and I went to your school for a birthday party with your class. We had “Cars” plates and gift bags for you and your friends and Mommy made you some chocolate cupcakes to share with your friends. You all made a big MESS!!!!
You loved your cupcake! After you finished your cupcake, you asked for another, and after you finished that one you wanted ANOTHER. We had to cut you off at Cupcake #2, you were pretty upset about that.
Today your friend Zaria came to play with you. We had a great time. We went to Broadway at the Beach. You and Zaria got to ride around in your wagon. We fed the ducks, played on the playground, ate pizza and of course rode the rides…horses, cars AND the train!
When you go back to school you will be in your new class. The 2 year old class!! I can’t believe you are 2 already. You have grown SO much. You are so much better with your verbal skills and are very smart. It so fun to play with you now. You are very interactive with your toys and sometimes you even put them in time out!
Monday we are going to visit Mimi and Paw Paw in Louisiana. I know you will have a great time spending time with them and all of your cousins too. I hope you will be good on the plane ride.
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Saturday, January 06, 2007