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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas 2006

Dear Caylee,
This was your first Christmas at home with us. All of your family and friends were so glad that you were here with us this year. You got so many great gifts from everyone.

We decided to let you open a gift early ( on the 23rd) you opened your keyboard complete with a mic. You had a great time opening it and playing with it.

On Christmas Eve we opened our family gifts. You “helped” every one un-wrap their gifts. You got the whole Backyardigan gang, a “Little People” horse and stable set and a new movie.

After we played with your toys a while we read the night before Christmas and you went to sleep.

When you woke up you went into the living room where Santa had left you A LOT of new toys. He left so many new toys that he had to move the furniture around to get them all out! When you walked into the room you saw the stuff on the chair first. There were books, coloring books and markers. It caught your attention right away. You ran up to the chair and said “wow cudders!” (colors)

Behind you were all of the other toys that Santa left you. You got a Shake and Go race track, a train, a Jump-N-Gym, a Mickey Mouse clubhouse with lots of Mickey and friends figurines to play with, a Mickey Mouse car and more!!!

You have had a great time playing with all of your toys this week. It’s hard to tell which ones you like the best. You play with them all. When you play with the race car set you like to say “WEEEEEE” and “ Set GOOO” (ready, set, go) You liked the train even better when you figured out how to use the remote control to make it stop and go. We love to watch you play with your Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. You just talk and talk and talk. You make the characters talk to each other, eat your play food and play hide and seek.

The week has been just a little crazy. Mommy had to go to the hospital on Christmas day and she had to stay for 3 nights. Today she finally got to play with you. She was so sad to miss Christmas day with you.

You got a little sick too, a stomach virus and a low grade fever. It did not seem to slow you down much. You still had a great time playing with all of your new toys!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Caylee Rocks Out!

Dear Caylee,
You really liked the Backyardigan music toy that Kristi and Charlci gave you. I caught you playing with it and rocking out in your room. You thought it was great and each time the song stoped you said "good job!" I hope you like all of your new toys this much!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Tea Party

Tea Party, originally uploaded by tryn2bmoms.

Zaria comes to play/ Student of the Month

Dear Caylee,

This month you are student of the month at school. We made a poster for your teachers to hang up in your classroom at school. You like your poster because it has of all of your favorite things like a horse, Mickey Mouse, a train, and M&M’s. We put some of your favorite pictures on your poster too a picture of you at the beach, riding the cars and the carousel at Broadway and playing with your Friend Zaria.

Today Zaria came to play with you. She got to stay all day! You both had a great time and you were very good. You played tea party and watched Mickey Mouse. Zaria loved pushing you around in your baby stroller and she had fun playing with the dogs too. You were sad when she went home because you wanted her to stay and play longer. I hope she can come to play with you again soon.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

First Christmas present

First present, originally uploaded by tryn2bmoms.

First Christmas Present/ Meeting Santa

Dear Caylee,
This weekend you got to open your very first present! Aunt Kristi and Aunt Charlci (who always spoil you) sent you some Christmas gifts and wanted you to open them early. At first you were not quite sure why we were letting you tear the paper, then you thought it was fun.

You got a lot of great stuff! You got a book about dogs, and a Backyardigan music toy that plays a lot of your favorite songs and you got a gift card to Toys R Us to get the”ride on” stuffed horse that you loved so much when we played with it at the store. See… I told you they spoil you!!!

This weekend you got to see Santa for the first time too. I told you as you were going to sleep that we would go to see “Ho Ho Ho” and the “neighs” at Broadway at the Beach the next day. I thought you were too little to really understand, but I am sure you did because the next day you kept saying “ skgo” (let’s go!) and “neigh” and “caas” (cars) and taking me to the door.

This year there are free horse and buggy rides with Santa there every weekend. I couldn’t wait to let you see the real horse! You LOVED it!! You were so excited to see it riding up. You were shouting “HIIIIII,” “neigh!!!” and “Yahooo!!!

When it was your turn to ride you decided that Ho Ho Ho was TOOOO scary for you. You pitched a FIT. You were fine when he was at a distance, you even said hi to him, but when it was time to ride just across from him the carriage you decided that was NOT going to happen!!!

I think you were a little disappointed because you thought that you were actually going to get to RIDE the horse. You did get to pet the horse and watch him for a while and you really liked that!

Maybe we will try again another day.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving with Grandmommy and Granddaddy

Thanksgiving with Grandma and Grandpa

Your first Thanksgiving

Dear Caylee,
Yesterday was our first Thanksgiving with you. We had a great day! We went to Grandmommy and Granddaddy’s house to have our Thanksgiving feast. You got to spend the day with your family. Your cousins Chance, Cade, Catherine and Caroline and Grandma and Grandpa and your aunts and uncles Todd, Allison, Tiff and Scott were all there.

Before we ate lunch your cousins all shared what they were thankful for, all of them said how thankful they were that you were with us this year. It was so sweet! You had a great time playing with them. You played tea party and Aunt Tiff brought you a book about horses that you really liked.

While we were there you put three words together for the first time. You were looking for your Mommy and you said “MiMi…aaaare you?” (Mommy where are you?) When we got home you had a lot to say too. While you were getting your PJ’s on you said the whole “Daisy’s Dance” from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cartoon…. and it’s pretty long. Jump forward, jump backward, clap clap clap, march march march, slide to one side, slide to the other side. You have said it in parts before as you perform it, but tonight was the first time that you put it all together at once. You are getting so much better at using your words.

Today you stayed at home with Grandma and Grandpa. They said that you were a very good girl. You played independently and were very sweet. Tonight you had a good time reading your books. You turn the pages and babble and babble and babble. You point at the pictures and say the ones that you know. Mommy bought you a “big girl” cup and you got to use it at dinner tonight. You really liked it, and you drank a lot!

Tomorrow you get to stay with Grandma and Grandpa again while we are at work. I know you will have a great time!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

My baby

Dear Caylee,
You are getting bigger and smarter every day. I love watching you grow, but I wish it wasn’t going so fast! You will try to say just about any word, and you love to pretend play. You make your Little People talk to each other. They say “Hi how you” and “play?” Which means, Hi how are you, wanna play? You also like to have your stuffed Backyardigan toys ride on your horse and say “YAHOOOO!” Today after playing with a baby doll you wanted to pretend that you were a little baby. I held you like a baby and you pretended to cry and made sucking noises like you were sucking on a bottle when I held you. TOO CUTE!!!!

You have discovered Mickey Mouse and you love the cartoon “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.” You like to try to sing the song, usually I sing M-I-C-K-E and you say “Y!!!” I say M-O-U-S and you say “CEEE” And when you want me to turn on the cartoon you point at the TV and say “Y… CEEE…mouse” How can I say no to that!

This past week you had a sinus infection and were a little sick. Your appetite has slowed down for the first time. Before this week, you were not the type of girl to skip a meal or leave food on your plate. Now you are quite picky! You won’t even eat your pasta pick ups that you used to LOVE!

At lunch today you yawned and looked at me and said “ ni nite.” You seamed pretty tired so I put you down for a nap. For the next hour and fifteen minutes you did everything but go to sleep. I found you sneaking out of your bed and playing with books, your baby monitor, your nightlight and eventually you started to get up and walk into the living room or sneak into the hall. I put you back in bed several times…trying very hard not to laugh! Eventually you fell asleep. In about 30 min you woke up and came into the living room I picked you up and you were back to sleep in just a minute. I held you and let you sleep for the next two hours! I LOVED it. You were so tired and SO SWEET!! I know that all too soon you will think that you are too big for me to hold you while you sleep. So I will take that chance while I can. Watching you get so big and smart is amazing. Today will be a great memory for me of you as my baby.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Candy please

Candy please, originally uploaded by tryn2bmoms.

First Halloween

Dear Caylee,
This was a very exciting week for you. On Saturday there was a Halloween party at school. You got to dress up as a cowgirl with a horse and all. You LOVE horses! When we got to school you decided you were NOT going to wear your horse! You played in your school room and enjoyed the candy.

After the party we went to pick up Mimi at the airport. She came to visit you for Halloween. After your nap we went to ride the rides at Broadway at the beach. You got to ride the cars and the train and of course your favorite… the Carousel. I love to hear you scream YAAAAHOOOO!!! Then we went to the playground. You had such a great time. We shopped a little and Mimi bought you a princess costume.

We spent the weekend with Mimi and on Monday and Tuesday you got to skip school to spend the day with Mimi. You were a very good girl. Tuesday was Halloween. You wore your new princess costume (because we knew you would not keep your horse on.) We went to Broadway at the Beach for trick or treat. You got to ride around in your wagon and when you got to the person handing out candy you would say “teet” (treat.)

After trick or treat you got to ride the rides AGAIN! You were SO CUTE in your princess dress!!! I think you had a pretty good first Halloween!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Fall Fest at Broadway

Dear Caylee,
Today we had a great time. Mommy had to work this afternoon so after nap we headed out for a fun day together. We went to Broadway at the Beach and took your wagon. You like the wagon much better than your stroller.

It was “Fall Fest” today so there were lots of people there. We walked around and looked at the pumpkins (which you call pump pumps.) They have a great playground! You made a few new friends. You liked the big kid slide the best. You weren’t big enough to climb the steps by yourself so I had to pick you up to the top and run to the end to catch you.

After the playground you got to ride around in the wagon a bit more while we walked to the kids rides. The train was down today so we just rode the cars and the carousel….several times. You were shouting “weeeeee”

After Broadway at the beach we went to Toys R us and looked at the Toys. You were such a good girl. You walked around by yourself and look at the different toys. You always came when I asked. You were on your best behavior. I hope Santa was watching!
You got to ride on a battery powered toddler go-kart. It took you a while to learn how to push the button, but you had fun! Then you saw a big stuffed horse. You ran over and climbed on and said “yaow” ( yahoo.)

After the toy store we went to Bob Evans for dinner. You had breakfast for dinner, Eggs, Pancakes, hash-browns, and sausage. You ate a lot!We had a great day together!

You are getting so good at using your words now. We have a little trouble making out what you are saying… but you are trying so much more. You learned how to say “treat” really quick because you knew that meant you got an M&M. (We were trying to teach you to say tick or treat for Halloween)

Tomorrow Mommy has the day off and if the weather is nice we are going to try to take you to the zoo. I heard they have Ponies there that you can ride. I know that you will have a blast! I hope the weather is good!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Smarter than we think!

Dear Caylee,
You are smarter than we give you credit for! We visited Grandma and Grandpa this past weekend. Just after I had laid you down and you were suppose to be going to sleep, I heard the bathroom door close. When I walked up to check on you I saw you running to your blanket, then you closed your eyes really tight and pretended to be asleep! I could not believe it! You were trying to fake me out at just 21 months old!

On Sunday we went to Broadway at the Beach to ride the rides. They have a carousel, a train ride and a car ride. You have been before, but this day I could tell that you had a really great time. You were SO excited to see the “neighs” (horses) on the carousel. After we rode all the rides I asked you which one you wanted to ride again… the neighs or the “brrrrooms” (cars.) I never expected you to answer. I was so surprised when you said “hmmm” holding your little chin and really thinking about your answer. After much thought you looked right at me and said “neigh… yahoo!” Of course we rode the carousel a few more times after that.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Dear Caylee,
You have been having a great week at school. So far no biting this week. I hope that this means that you are coming out of this phase. They are using time outs and lots of praise for you to help keep you on the right track.
Today you did something really cute. You went up to Bailey and while trying to climb on him you were saying “yow” (which means “Yahoo”) and then you looked at him and said “neigh.” (That’s what you call a horse) I think we have been reading your riding the range book to you a little too much! TOO CUTE that you thought Bailey was a horse and you wanted to go for a ride!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Play Date

Dear Caylee,
Today you had your first “play date.” Zaria From your class at school came over to our house to play. When she drove up she squealed with delight and you got a great big smile on your face. You both hugged like you were life long friends. SO CUTE!

You two had a good time. You got to play outside together. I took you both for a ride in the wagon. Zaria really liked the dogs. You played in your toy room together and Zaria stayed for dinner. Zaria did not want to go home. I hope we can have her over to play again soon. I think you both had Fun.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Pirate day at school

Pirate day at school, originally uploaded by tryn2bmoms.

Dear Caylee,
Today was Pirate day at school. You were SO cute! This week was pretty Busy. Sunday we went to the beach. You had a great time playing in the ocean. You loved when the waves crashed on you. We dug a big hole for you in the sand and filled it with water. You had a great time!

Wednesday we had to go to Charleston to visit the Doctors at MUSC. Mostly because we wanted to try to get some help with all the aggressive behavior going on at school. They said that you are very smart, ahead of where you need to be. Your verbal skills are slightly delayed and that may be causing some frustration for you. You understand, you just can’t let us know what you want. They recommended that we use “time outs” so we’ll see how that works. Thursday you bit your teacher so you got to try out the “time out”

Tomorrow we have a play date with a friend of yours at school. She will be coming to your house. It’s our first play date. I hope you will have fun!

Friday, September 08, 2006


SOOO Fun!, originally uploaded by tryn2bmoms.

Playing in the Water hose

Dear Caylee,
Monday was Labor Day so we all had the day off together. You got to help Mommy give Bailey and Cinnamon a bath. After the bath we let you play with the water hose. You had a blast!

At first you were not real sure about it, but the more you played the more you had fun. You held the water hose to your face and tried to blow bubbles into the stream of water. You tried to squirt mommy, and the really funny part was when you let the water run out on the ground and tried to blow bubbles on the cement! TOO CUTE!!

You had so much fun you forgot to throw a temper tantrum all day. We took lots of pictures! Lots! It will be hard to pick a few good ones to share.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Mom visits school/ Caylee visits Grandma and Grandpa

Dear Caylee,
On Friday I went to observe you in your class at school. I watched from the window for about an hour and a half. You played by yourself a lot. I watched you have circle time where you shouted out your colors VERY LOUD, and I watched you play with Shaving cream and saw your friend Campbell put shaving cream in your hair. You played with a car and you really liked the big soft blocks they put out to crawl on and jump off of.

While I was watching Conner’s mom came in to drop him off. I told her that I was observing the class because you had been pinching other kids and pulling hair. She pointed to Conner and said “that’s my son… he’s the one that always gets bit.” I felt soooo bad!

You were pretty observant. You saw me a few times and each time you would start crying. I’m sure it was very confusing for you. You were probably wondering why I was there but not coming in. Finally, I came in to your class. You were happy to see me. I stayed for about an hour and played with you and all of your friends. I had SO MUCH FUN with you! We played chase and read books and danced and sang songs.

This weekend we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Lexington. On the way there you had your first tantrum in a store when we stopped to buy some snacks. You wanted to touch some candy and when we told you no, you dropped to the floor and started a very dramatic crying fit. It only lasted for about a minute, but we were shocked all the same.

That fit sort of set the tone for our visit. You greeted Grandpa and gave him a hug, but each time you saw Grandma you would just start having a fit. You had several fits, dropping to the floor and crying for many different reasons. Someone told you “no”, someone tried to play with you, someone looked at you, sometimes we weren’t quite sure why.

We went swimming at your cousin’s house and you had a good time playing with Catherine and the cat. (I don’t think the cat liked you very much.)

That night at dinner you got your first tip. A very nice older lady walked up and said that her husband told her that any little girl that cute deserved to have a dollar. I thought it was a little strange, but they were very nice. We are putting the dollar in your piggy bank.

Today when you woke up you were a little better. Still a little shy around other people. After we got home and had a good dinner you were your old self again. THANK GOD. We had a great time reading books and playing before bed time. I think you were happy to sleep in your bed tonight.

You have a FAVORITE book now. It is called “Riding the Range.” Of course it is a Backyardigan book! You pick that book out of all of the ones you have, and you like us to read it over and over and over again. You like to read it by your self too. You turn pages and babble and babble. It’s SO cute.

I will have to make sure to blog more often. I had too much to say tonight!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Caylee and Mommy with her new scooter

Ice cream social

Dear Caylee,

Today your school had an ice cream social. We all went. You had a great time playing at the sand table. You were on your best behavior. You did not bite anyone. I was so proud of you. You got to eat ice cream and sprinkles. We met some of the other parents and you made us very proud.

After the ice cream social we ate lunch and took a nap. When you woke up you got to try to ride the new scooter your mommy bought you today. You are not very good at it yet. You like to push stand behind it and push it and you have figured out how to sit on it and make it go backwards. Tooooo cute.

Later we went swimming again. You always have a great time doing that. You love for us to lay you back in the water. When you have your arm floaties on you like to lay back, completely relaxed like you are asleep. Today there was a lady at the pool that kept trying to talk to you. You did not like her, and you made it clear. You can turn on the tears in a second.

Right now you are asleep. I can’t wait to have another great day with you tomorrow!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Beautiful Girl august 2006

DSC_00211348edit, originally uploaded by tryn2bmoms.

Sent Home

Dear Caylee,
Today you got sent home from School. Why? Well....
10:00 am: While coming in from outside Caylee tried to bite a freind on the finger for no reason.
10:30 am: Caylee bit a friend on the arm in housekeeping. We are unsure of the reason.
11:00 am: While getting ready for lunch Caylee tried to bite another child because she wanted to sit where they were.
11:20 am: another child was looking out the door. Caylee ran up and bit that child for no apparent reason.
11:25 am: we got a call from the school saying that you were not eating and acting out. The school thought perhaps it would be better if you "spent the day with your mommy."

We thought you were getting better about this. You went a few days with no incidents. I wonder what is going on in your little head....I sure hope you don't get kicked out of school!!!

Your Mommy picked you up from school and took you to visit me at work. You had a great time poiting out all of the letters around the store. Tonight we had dinner with Stinky and Debu at Burro Loco. You always like the rice and black beans. Yum!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The cousins

the cousins

Monday, August 14, 2006

A visit to Louisiana

Dear Caylee,

This weekend you got to visit your cousins in Louisiana. All of them were there. What an event! 12 cousins, Aunts, Uncles and Mimi and Paw-Paw. We took some pictures with everyone.
Mimi and Paw-Paw were having a 40th anniversary party. They were so happy to see you. You had a great time. You just jumped right in and played with everyone. You got to swim, play cars, swim, play ball, swim and play chase. You had a great time swimming!! (and you are pretty good at it for your age too.)
Your cousin Sydney loves you sooooo much, and you love playing with her too. You both played together the whole time! She even slept in your bed with you at night AND while you took a nap, just to make sure you did not fall off the bed.
I think you had a really good time.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Called to the principals office

Dear Caylee,
Today we got a summons to the Directors office at your school. It seems a certain little girl at school has been behaving in an aggressive manner quite frequently. She has been pulling hair, pinching and biting other kids. The director is going to have a teacher “shadow” the child to help determine the best way to address the issue.
Who is that little girl? YOU, yep sweet little YOU.
We can hardly believe it. You are so sweet at home… (well for the most part) So tonight we are franticly searching the internet looking for articles and books that may help us. I wish I knew what was going on in your little head!
I hope we find a way to fix this soon.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Dear Caylee,
Well, you are certainly determined. Tonight you were not in the best mood. You decided that you did not want to take a bath when it was time to take a bath so you started a crying fit. It lasted all through your bath and putting on PJ’s and brushing teeth and so on…
You had to sit in your crying chair and cry. After your 45 min tantrum we are re thinking where we place the crying chair. It is a little to close to the living area making it hard to hear ANYTHING else! When you had finaly worn yourself out you came for your hug. A few minutes later you were as happy as could be.
The rest of bedtime went great. You enjoyed your story and went right to bed with no issues.
Today at school you had two “uh-oh” reports for biting. Already one more than you had last week.
I hope you have a much better day tomorrow.
Oh yes, by the way you really like your new shoes. It’s the first time we could really tell that you liked something. They are very cute on you!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

So darn cute!

Dear Caylee,
There are so Many things that are just so cute about you. They would take for ever to list them all but here are Just a few.
♥The way you SCREAM “HI!!!!” and run to get a hug when we come home.
♥That you call all animals “no B” because you think Bailey’s name is “ No Bailey”
♥The way you come and grab our hands and take us to what you want us to fix when you need help.
♥The way you grab your chin and say “hmmm” when you are thinking about something.
♥The way you dance when you hear music. Especially when it is the “Backyardigan” music.
♥The way you say “MMM” each time the microwave dings or you see food on TV.

Your just SO DARN cute!

This weekend we had a great time together. You went swimming again and you had a great time. You went under water and you love to just lay back and relax. Your favorite letter this weekend was S. You made sure to point it out on every sign we passed, on TV or on any book.

Mommy was very excited because you walked right up to her and said “Mommy” instead of “Mama” (which is me) like you usually do.

You are SO much fun. Now, if we could just stop the pinching and biting from you it would be great!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Watch "If your Happy and you know it"

Create your own video for free at www.onetruemedia.com

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Fun weekend with you

Dear Caylee,
What a great weekend we had. We got to do lots of fun things together. Saturday we got to go to Broadway at the beach. We had ice cream together and you got to play with the other kids at the water fountain. You were not real sure about it at first, but after watching the other kids play, you decided to give it a try.
At home we played with your car. You like to say “WEEE” and “Brrrrom”. Your favorite thing is playing hide and go boo. You always scream and laugh when we jump out and say boo.
Sunday we got to visit Grandmommy and Granddaddy. And your friends Stacey (AKA stinky) and Debbie (AKA Debu.) They let you swim in their pool. You had such a great time! You are really a pretty good swimmer for your age.
Tonight was a little sad. I had to leave for work. I won’t be home again until Friday. I will miss you so much!!! I know you and Mommy will have a great time. I wish I could be there with you.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Watch This!

Click to watch
Create your own video for free at www.onetruemedia.com

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Three "Uh-OH's"

Dear Caylee,
You had three “Uh-oh” reports at school today.
#1)10:50am: “Caylee wanted a baby that another child had. When that child would not give her the baby, Caylee bit that child.”
#2)11:15am: “At the lunch table Caylee turned and bit the child that was sitting next to her.”
#3)11:30am: “Caylee wanted a book that another child was looking at. When that child did not give Caylee the book she bit that child.”

What are we going to do with you? I hope you don't get kicked out of school!!!

You are such a sweet baby at home! We love to watch you watch TV at night. The “Backyardigans” cartoon is your favorite. You like to clap your hands and dance along with the characters. Tonight we watched the pirate one. It is one of your favorites!

Monday, July 24, 2006

no school today!

Dear Caylee,
What a rough weekend for you. You were sick all weekend…poor baby! The good news you got out of School today (Monday) and may get out tomorrow too. You were really very good considering how sick you were. You were also good enough to share you illness with me. So no work for me today either. Poor Mommy was stuck cleaning up everything, and believe me you left quite a mess or two or three.
You are getting really good at your letters and you are really getting into playing with “little people” you like to make them jump and you really like for me to make them talk to each other. You are so much fun to play with now. We are having a blast with you (even when you are sick)
I hope you are all better tomorrow.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Dear Caylee,
Today at school you got three incident reports!!! Yes three!!! First you bit your friend when he was playing with a toy that you wanted to play with. Then just 30 min later you bit him again when he tried to take your toy. And shortly after that you tried to bite someone else while lining up to go play outside. Your teacher said that you were “aggressive.” Aggressive? You? Surely not my sweet baby!! Maybe you were testing the waters. This is your first week with “the big kids.”

The day just kept getting better for you. Just last week we were talking about how we were so glad that we had not had to deal with the whole “throwing-up” thing. Well it seems we spoke too soon. Tonight, you broke us in. You were SO sick. After a few hours we ended up having to take you to the hospital. We are home now, and I am hoping that you will be fine in the morning. Poor baby!!! What a rough day.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

not a great day

Dear Caylee,
Yesterday was not a great day for you. It was your first day in the “toddler class” you had to leave your friends in the “beginners” room behind. I know you will miss your teacher Ms. Corra. She was your favorite. When I dropped you off you were very upset. Even after we offered you grits and Biscuits!
At night you were a little cranky and asked for me (Momma ) a lot. (I think your teeth were hurting.) I missed dinner with you and I think that upset you a little too.
I got home after you were asleep… so I slept in your room with you. I wanted to make sure you knew I was home.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Now that we're caught up....

Dear Caylee,
You did some really cute stuff today. I put Cinnamon in your doll stroller and you ttok great Joy in strolling her around the house. (I don’t think she like it very much) You even gave her a little kiss on the head.
Your new favorite game is sort if a version of hide and go seek. You say “bye, yater, bye” and blow a kiss as you leave the room. A few seconds later you return with a big “HI!!!!!” You really like when mommy and I hide before you come back in.
We also noticed your preference to the letters A B C D and E. Of your 26 foam letters those are the ones you carfully select and carry around with you. You are very smart. You know most of your letters (or at least the sounds they make.) You surprise us each day with what you know.

Catching up on the past 6 months

Okay.... Let's try to get caught up on the last six months
Came home on Jan 25th 2006 at 13 months old
started walking a week or so after
First word was "Duck" although not all believed it). Some other cute notables.."ca" for cracker... "EEE" means eat."toooo dump" means 1 2 3 jump.
loves the "Backyardigans"; books; letters; swimming... well playing in the water.
we got lots of great pix, but I hate that we have not journaled until now. I will try to keep up with all of the great things we are experiencing.


Caylee has been home for almost 6 months now and I have yet to start that scrap book I was gonna start.....so I thought I would give this a try.
I am gonna try to figure out how to post pix and movies etc... we'll see how that works.
Man I hope this has a spell check!!!